Miscellaneous • Reference Work
Provides access to the e-resources: * Duden - Die deutsche Rechtschreibung * Duden - Fremdwörterbuch * Duden - Synonymwörterbuch
Europa Sacra contains information on all 1300 medieval bishoprics, archdioceses and patriarchates under obedience to Rome as well as prosopographical information on 18,507 bishops, archbishops and patriarchs. The database draws its initial information from the two personal storied works: * C. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica medii aevi... ab anno 1198 [1st and 2nd edns. Münster, 1898ff] * P.B. Gams, Series episcoporum ecclesiae catholicae (Regensburg 1873 - 1886)
The Library of Latin Texts, originating from the Cetedoc Library of Christian Latin Texts (CLCLT), is the most comprehensive collection of Latin texts. The database contains texts from the beginnings of Latin literature (Livius Andronicus, 240 B.C.) until the 2nd Vatican Council (1962-1965). It covers the classical period as well as works by the Church Fathers, medieval Latin literature, or even works from the reformation and counter-reformation. Additionally, texts from Corpus Christianorum / Series Latina and Continuatio Mediaevalis as well as from a large number of editions of the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, from the Patrologia Latina, from the Sources Chrétiennes, from the Opera Sancti Bernardi, Biblia Sacra Vulgata and the pseudo epigraphical scripts of the Old Testament are available. The subscription covers full text access to all content added until January 2015.
Ut per litteras apostolicas provides a complete collection of papal letters from the 13th and 14th centuries. The database represents an electronic version of the renowned * Registres et lettres des Papes du XIIIe siècle (32 vols.; Rome, 1883- ) * Registres et lettres des Papes du XIVe siècle (48 vols.; Rome, 1899- ) It is an invaluable source regarding various aspects of medieval history and society.