Education Systems International is an Internet guide on education systems worldwide. The database offers links to institutions, databases, full texts and collections of facts from more than 230 countries and regions, which are of interest for users who work in educational research and administration. -- BildungsSysteme International als "Subject Internet Guide" des DIPF bietet Links zu Bildungsministerien, Bildungseinrichtungen, Fachgesellschaften, nationalen und internationalen Organisationen, zu Datenbanken, Volltexten und Fakteninformationen gegenwärtig aus mehr als 230 Ländern und Regionen.
GENESIS-Online ist die Haupt-Datenbank des Statistischen Bundesamtes. Sie enthält ein breites Themenspektrum fachlich tief gegliederter Ergebnisse der amtlichen Statistik. Der Tabellenabruf ist kostenfrei Datenangebot Gebiete, Bevölkerung, Erwerbstätigkeit, Wahlen / Bildung, Sozialleistungen, Gesundheit, Recht /Wohnen, Umwelt /Wirtschaftsbereiche / Außenhandel, Unternehmen, Handwerk / Preise, Verdienste, Einkommen und Verbrauch / Öffentliche Finanzen / Gesamtrechnungen.
Book Collection • Miscellaneous
The OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) is a forum and knowledge hub for data, analysis and best practices in public policy. It also contains some content published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), the OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and the International Transport Forum (ITF). All data, reports and analysis in all formats are now available under an open licence, allowing users to freely access, use, translate, and share the Organisation’s work.
The MPI-Mainz-UV-VIS Spectral Atlas is a comprehensive collection of absorption cross sections for gaseous molecules and radicals, primarily relevant to atmospheric research, from measurements performed during the last nine decades. The individual data sets were collected from the original publications, either copied from tabulations, or read from figures in those cases where numerical data could no longer be obtained. Other sources rely on the internal databases of several research centers dealing with atmospheric chemistry and/or molecular spectroscopy. Numerous excellent high-resolution spectra were obtained from personal communications with the scientists.
As from 1996, the IBE has undertaken the preparation of profiles of national education systems, using the information included in the National Reports on the Development of Education, supplemented with data from other sources. The profiles contain basic descriptions of the main characteristics of the organization and functioning of education systems throughout the world. All information contained in the profiles is organized on the basis of a common structure so as to facilitate the searching and analyzing of available information.