MPG Library Catalog • Reference Database • Miscellaneous
The Deposit Once of the Technische Universität Berlin makes qualified scientific text documents and research data of members of the TU Berlin available online. The repository is committed to the principles of Open Access and includes parallel publications from peer-reviewed publishers (post-prints) as well as dissertations, monographs, conference proceedings, collections and other scientific treatises.
The Document and Publication Server of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is a service of the university library and the computer and media services. It offers the organisational and technical framework to all members of HU Berlin for publishing scientific documents digitally. Documents that are stored include single publications and publication series, collections, conference papers, research reports, journals (e-journals), theses and dissertations, master theses and seminar papers.
Throughout Europe, national patent offices and the European Patent Office (EPO) offer free patent information on the Internet Patents reveal solutions to technical problems, and they represent an inexhaustable source of information: more than 80 percent of man's technical knowledge is described in patent literature. From the middle of 1998 onwards, esp@cenet users have been able to access the bibliographic data of all patents published in the preceding two years by any member state of the European Patent Organisation, as well as by the European Patent Office and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). In addition, full-page facsimile images of documents are also retrievable to facilitate more detailed analysis of these documents. The data for this particular service is stored at the relevant national office.
Reference Database • External Library Catalog • Miscellaneous
LIVIVO bundles scientifically relevant resources from the subjects fields medicine, health, nutrition, environmental and agricultural sciences. It provides a common search interface over various data sources, such as library catalogs, specialist bibliographic databases, full texts from journals, and quality-controlled web content. LIVIVO combines the former ZB MED search portals MEDPILOT (2003 to 2015) and GREENPILOT (2009 to 2015).
MPG.PuRe is the publication repository of the Max Planck Society. It contains bibliographic data and numerous fulltexts of the publications of its researchers. The repository is based on PubMan, a publication repository software developed by the Max Planck Digital Library. PuRe was introduced in the MPG in May 2009 and replaced the former institutional repository eDoc.
Catalogue of Exhibited Works and Depository Holdings. The online edition Paintings in Museums presents a systematic index of the entire holdings of works, both on display and in deposits, owned by nearly 650 museums in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. A comprehensive and current catalogue for over 178,000 paintings, pastels, gouaches as well as mixed-media works from all ages, genres and styles of about 31,200 artists is therefore available to the user.
Refubium is a service of the university library of the Freie Universität Berlin. As an institutional repository it collects documents, dissertations, postdoctoral theses, and research data.
Das "Répertoire International d'Iconographie Musicale" (RIdIM) ist ein internationaler Verbund zur Verzeichnung und Erschließung von Musik- und Tanzdarstellungen im Bereich der bildenden Kunst und des Kunsthandwerks. In der "Datenbank zu Musik und Tanz in der Kunst" der RIdIM Arbeitsstelle Deutschland werden v.a. Objekte aus größeren Museen, Sammlungen und Bibliotheken in Deutschland katalogisiert. Die Erschließung der Kunstwerke in der Datenbank folgt formalen (Künstler, Titel, Entstehungsland, bzw. -ort, Technik, Datierung, besitzende Institution, Inventarnummer, etc.) und inhaltlichen Kriterien (allgemeine und musikalische Ikonographie, Musikinstrumente, allgemeine Beschreibung). Begleitend zur Katalogisierung dokumentiert die Arbeitsstelle die katalogisierten Objekte mit Bildreproduktionen.
Miscellaneous • Factual Database
Das Statistik-Portal bündelt statistische Daten verschiedener Institute und Quellen. Es werden Statistiken zu über 80.000 Themenbereichen aus 22 verschiedenen Branchenkategorien aus mehr als 22.500 Quellen verfügbar gemacht. Der Fokus des internationalen Datenbestandes liegt auf den Ländern USA/China/UK/D-A-CH.
The vifabio portal offers rapid access to biological literature and information. It offers a parallel search in various biologically relevant library catalogues, bibliographic databases, and the internet guide (a collection of selected, quality controlled internet sources).