Fulltext Database
Book Sales Catalogues Online offers a comprehensive bibliography of book sales catalogues printed in the Dutch Republic before 1801, providing full access to some 4,000 digital facsimiles from ca. 50 libraries across Europe. These catalogues are a key primary source for research on the history of the book and libraries, the history of ideas, the history of collecting, the history of literature, and the history of art. The catalogues contain information on books from all over Europe in various languages, such as Dutch, French, and Latin.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
The database contains full texts of 426 British popular science, art science and literary periodicals from between the 17th and the 20th century.
Fulltext Database
The core of China: Culture and Society is the pamphlets held in the Charles W. Wason Collection on East Asia housed in the Carl A. Kroch Library of Cornell University. Mostly in English and published between c. 1750 and 1929, and amounting to around 1,200 items in 220 bound volumes, these rare pamphlets form part of one of the deepest and most extensive collections of literature on China and the Chinese in the Western world and constitute a rich resource for scholars and teachers in numerous disciplines.
Fulltext Database
The database covers an extensive range of archival material connected to the trading and cultural relationships that emerged between China, America and the Pacific region between the 18th and early 20th centuries. Manuscript sources, rare printed texts, visual images, objects and maps document this fascinating history.
Fulltext Database
The database provides access to a wide variety of original sources detailing China's interactions with the West in the period from 1793 to 1980. Many important events have been documented from different perspectives, including politicians, diplomats, missionaries.
Fulltext Database
This collection of over 2,300 formerly classified U.S. government documents (most of them classified Top Secret or higher) provides readers for the first time with the declassified documentary record about the successes and failures of the U.S. intelligence community in its efforts to spy on the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Fulltext Database
The Confidential Print series, issued by the British Government between c. 1820 and 1970, covers the most important papers generated by the Foreign and Colonial Offices. These range from single-page letters or telegrams to comprehensive dispatches, investigative reports and texts of treaties. All items marked ‘Confidential Print’ were printed and circulated immediately to leading officials in the Foreign Office, to the Cabinet and to heads of British missions abroad. This collection consists of the Confidential Print for the countries of the Levant and the Arabian peninsula, Iran, Turkey, Egypt and Sudan. Beginning with the Egyptian reforms of Muhammad Ali Pasha in the 1830s, the documents trace the events of the following 150 years, including the Middle East Conference of 1921, the mandates for Palestine and Mesopotamia, the partition of Palestine, the 1956 Suez Crisis and post-Suez Western foreign policy, and the Arab-Israeli conflict. This collection is available on the platform Archives Direct which features content from Sources from The National Archives, UK
Fulltext Database
Data Europa EU is a central point of access to European open data from international, European Union, national, regional, local and geodata portals. The official portal for Euopean data consolidates the former EU Open Data Portal and the European Data Portal. Data Europa EU gives access and fosters the reuse of European open data among citizens, business and organisations. The portal promotes and supports the release of more and better-quality metadata and data by the EU’s institutions, agencies and other bodies, and European countries, enhancing the transparency of European administrations. Furthermore, it is intended to educate citizens and organisations about the opportunities that arise from the availability of open data. Currently, Data Europa EU contains more than 1.5 million European public sector datasets grouped by over 180 catalogues and pertaining to different topical categories.
Fulltext Database • Reference Database
The Digital Library of the Commons (DLC) is a gateway to the international literature on the commons. The DLC provides free and open access to full-text articles, papers, and dissertations. This site contains an author-submission portal; an Image Database; the Comprehensive Bibliography of the Commons; a Keyword Thesaurus, and links to relevant reference sources on the study of the commons.
Fulltext Database
The Digital National Security Archive of the U.S.A. is a comprehensive collection of essential primary documents concerning the U.S. foreign and military policy since 1945. The database, consisting of 33 partial collections, contains more than 80,000 of the most important declassified documents. Thereby, it is about political scripts such as directives of the President, notes, and diplomatic dispatches. It is also about meeting notes, autonomous reports, briefings, communications from the White House, e-mails, confidential letters, and other secret documents. For each partial collection there is included additionally an explanatory reference part containing an introduction, a chronology, a glossary, and a bibliography. This reference part helps one to bring the material also into contextual coherencies. -- Das Digital National Security Archive der U.S.A. ist eine umfangreiche Sammlung wesentlicher Primärdokumente zur US-Außen- und Militärpolitik seit 1945. Die aus 33 Teilsammlungen bestehende Datenbank enthält über 80.000 der wichtigsten freigegebenen Dokumente. Es handelt sich dabei sowohl um politische Schriften wie Direktiven des Präsidenten, Memos, diplomatische Depeschen als auch um Sitzungsnotizen, unabhängige Berichte, Briefings, Mitteilungen aus dem Weißen Haus, Emails, vertrauliche Briefe und andere geheime Dokumente. Zu jeder Teilsammlung ist zusätzlich ein erklärender Referenzteil mit Einführung, Chronologie, Glossar und Bibliographie enthalten, der hilft, das Material auch in kontextuelle Zusammenhänge bringen.
Fulltext Database
Dutch Pamphlets Online comprises both the complete Knuttel collection from the National Library of the Netherlands and the Van Alphen collection from Groningen University Library. The famous Knuttel collection contains some 34,000 pamphlets, to which the Van Alphen collection adds another 2,800. There is no overlap between the two. Combined, these collections form an exhaustive treasure trove of primary texts on the history of the Low Countries between 1486 and 1853.
Fulltext Database
Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800 has been hailed as one of the most important collections ever produced on microform. The collection is based on the renowned American Bibliography by Charles Evans and enhanced by Roger Bristol's Supplement to Evans' American Bibliography. It serves as a foundation set for research involving early American history, literature, philosophy, religion, and more. Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800 consists of more than 36,000 books, pamphlets, broadsides and other imprints. A common search interface for EAI I and EAI II is offered at: http://infoweb.newsbank.com/?db=EAIX.
Fulltext Database
Early American Imprints, Series II: Shaw/Shoemaker (1801-1819) is an essential complement to Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans (1639-1800) the definitive resource for researching 17th- and 18th-century America. The collection provides a comprehensive set of American books, pamphlets, broadsides and other imprints published in the early part of the 19th century. It is based on the noted -American Bibliography, 1801-1819- by Ralph R. Shaw and Richard H. Shoemaker and covers more than four million pages from over 36,000 items - including 1,000 catalogued new items unavailable in previous microform editions. A common search interface for EAI I and EAI II is offered at: http://infoweb.newsbank.com/?db=EAIX.
Fulltext Database
East India Company offers access to a unique collection of India Office Records from the British Library, London. Containing royal charters, correspondence, trading diaries, minutes of council meetings and reports of expeditions, among other document types, this resource charts the history of British trade and rule in the Indian subcontinent and beyond from 1599 to 1947.
Book Collection • Fulltext Database
The collection licensed by the DFG comprises 1000 e-Books. In addition, access to 3,400 free electronic books from all subject areas is provided.
Book Collection • Fulltext Database
On the basis of the English Short Title Catalogue, Eighteenth Century Collections Online enable access to more than 180,000 titles of books, pamphlets, essays and single sheet prints primarily published in Great Britain.
Fulltext Database
The collection contains essays, source and data material, thematically grouped around the overall topics of colonialism and imperialism. Introductory scientific contributions and links to relevant sources are available for five thematic sections: * Cultural Contacts 1492-1969 * Empire Writing & the Literature of Empire * The Visible Empire * Religion & Empire * Race, Class, Imperialism and Colonialism 1607-2007
Fulltext Database
An archive of 20th Century news from around the world. Global views on United States foreign and domestic policy after World War II. Covers the Cold War, China, the Middle East, Latin America, the Soviet Union, and more. Crucial insights into twentieth-century global history.
Fulltext Database
The Financial Times Historical Archive delivers the complete searchable facsimile run of the world’s most authoritative daily business newspaper. Every item ever printed in the paper can be searched and browsed article by article and page by page. The archive additionally comprises the supplements 'Financial Times Magazine' and 'How to Spend it'.
Fulltext Database
The First World War portal makes available invaluable primary sources for the study of the Great War, brought together in four thematic modules. From personal collections and rare printed material to military files, artwork and audio-visual files, content highlights the experiences of soldiers, civilians and governments on both sides of a conflict that shook the world. Modules are: Personal Experiences -Propaganda and Recruitment - Visual Perspectives and Narratives - A Global Conflict