Journal Collection
The Science Online platform provides fulltext access to the peer-reviewed journals published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Reference Database
Scopus is a large abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, including scientific journals, books and conference proceedings, covering research topics across all scientific and technical disciplines, ranging from medicine and social sciences to arts and humanities. Further, with smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research, Scopus empowers you to advance your science beyond the text.
Reference Database
The SSCI part in the Web of Science™ Core Collection provides researchers with access to the world's leading bibliographic and citation databases. This database covers some 2,474 of the world's leading journals of social sciences across more than 50 disciplines A unique feature of the WoS is that from any bibliographic record in the database links are available to its cited references, to related articles and to citing articles. In some instances additional links (e.g. to the journal impact factor) may also be available.
Fulltext Database
SocINDEX is the world's most comprehensive and highest quality sociology research database. Subject headings from a 15,000 term sociology-specific thesaurus designed by expert lexicographers and extensive indexing for books, monographs, conference papers and other sources is included. Searchable cited references are also provided.
Journal Collection
The SPIE Digital Library is an extensive resource available on optics and photonics, providing access to technical papers from SPIE Journals and Conference Proceedings from 1962 to the present. More than 18,000 new technical papers are added annually. The current subscription provides Max Planck researchers with full text access to all SPIE journals and proceedings. In addition, the Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges for the SPIE journals. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Book Collection • Reference Work
The SpringerLink platform provides MPG staff with access to a huge collection of English and German eBooks from 2005 onwards, as well as the English and the German collection of the Springer Book Archive (1842-2004). In addition, the content of selected book series is available. Includes major reference works and dictionaries. Max Planck researchers who publish a monograph or edited volume with Springer Nature as an Open Access eBook receive a discount on the standard Book Publishing Charge. MPDL covers the costs remaining on a pro rata basis. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Journal Collection
The journal collection on the SpringerLink platform includes more than 2,500 English-language and close to 200 German-language journals. The current subscription provides Max Planck researchers with full text access to nearly the entire journal collection. In addition, the Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges in line with the SpringerOpen and the Springer Open Choice programmes. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Miscellaneous • Book Collection
SpringerMaterials is based on the Landolt-Börnstein New Series, the unique, fully evaluated data collection in all areas of physical sciences and engineering. It is a systematic and comprehensive resource of selected and critically assessed data explained in their scientific context.
Reference Database
Springer Nature publishes the largest available collection of reproducible laboratory protocols and methods for the life sciences. The Experiments platform provides accees to the content from SpringerProtocols, Nature Methods, Nature Protocols and Protocol Exchange through a single easy-to-use platform, designed to save researchers' time.
Journal Collection
Taylor & Francis Online is the journal content platform for the Taylor & Francis Group and gives online access to more than 2,500 journals from all scientific disciplines. Since acquiring Routledge in 1997, the Taylor & Francis Group has purchased many small and medium sized publishing companies, including: Brunner-Routledge, Brunner-Mazel, CRC Press, Frank Cass, Future Science Group, Marcel Dekker, Martin Dunitz, Landes Bioscience (acquired in 2014), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (acquired in 2006), Parthenon Publishing, Spon Press, Taylor Graham Journals, and Haworth Press. Max Planck researchers have full text access to the current volumes of more than 2,000 core journals (full text access given back to 1997, where available) and to selected archive content. In addition, the Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges for Max Planck authors centrally. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Reference Work
Since the publication of its first installment in 1976 the Theologische Realenzyklopädie has provided a comprehensive account of the state of theological research. Some 2000 articles present a multitude of historical and theological data in their context of faith and thought, theology and religion. A multidisciplinary approach integrates into the theological account not only the disciplines of Old Testament and New Testament Studies, Church History, and Systematic and Practical Theology but also Judaic Studies, Religious Studies and Philosophy.
Journal Collection
The goal of this database is to provide researchers with an opportunity to cross-search the contents of major Russian periodicals on social sciences and humanities. It is comprised of journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences ranging from archeology to linguistics, as well as popular literary editions, and independent scholarly publications. New titles are added on a regular basis. This Universal Database grows retroactively. Full-text and full-image content of print editions is reproduced with original pagination.
Journal Collection • Factual Database
Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory is a bibliographic database providing detailed, comprehensive, and authoritative information on serials published throughout the world. It covers all subjects, and includes publications that are published regularly or irregularly and are circulated free of charge or by paid subscription. Ulrich’s was first published in 1932.
Book Collection • Fulltext Database • Reference Work
VDE is one of the leading publishers of the German standards collection and offers electrotechnical safety standards. The NormenBibliothek standard portal of VDE (Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V.) provides online access to the entire DIN-VDE standard portfolio. The MPG subscription includes valid standards and drafts of the DIN VDE Groups 0-8 in German.
Reference Database
The Web of Science™ Core Collection provides researchers with access to the world's leading bibliographic and citation databases. Authoritative, multidisciplinary content covers over 12,000 of the highest impact journals worldwide, including Open Access journals, as well as over 150,000 conference proceedings and more than 50,000 editorially selected books. You'll find current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage back to 1900. A unique feature of the WoS is that from any bibliographic record in the database links are available to its cited references, to related articles and to citing articles. In some instances additional links (e.g. to the journal impact factor) may also be available.
Book Collection • Reference Work
Wiley Current Protocols contains a collection of updatable step-by-step, reproducible laboratory methods, covering a total of 20,000 protocols across 18 subjects in the life sciences. Each protocol is carefully selected by the editorial board members, written by experts, and rigorously edited to ensure repeated success.
Book Collection • Reference Work
Wiley Online Library Books feature over 15,000 scholarly and professional books, handbooks, dictionaries, companions and landmark book series from Blackwell Publishing, John Wiley & Sons, and Wiley-VCH. From this collection, a set of more than 1,000 e-books was purchased for users from the Max Planck Society. This selection is continuously extended by single e-book acquisitions by MPG libraries. In addition, the MPG purchased 9 electronic Major Reference Works and the Encyclopedia of Life Sciences.
Journal Collection
Hosting one of the world's most extensive multidisciplinary collections of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities, Wiley Online Library delivers integrated access to the full texts from more than 1,600 journals. The MPG subscription covers nearly the entire Wiley journal collection, excluding some society titles. In general, access is granted back to volume 1997, but selected backfile content is available as well. In addition, the Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges for all Wiley hybrid and full Open Access journals. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Book Collection • Journal Collection • Reference Database • Factual Database
wiso is an online database specially tailored to the needs of users from academic and research institutions by GBI-Genios. It aggregates mainly German content from various publishers, covering economics, social sciences, psychology and technology. wiso provides access to major reference databases, to full texts of selected journals, e-books, magazines and newspapers like VDI Nachrichten or Handelsblatt as well as to company information and market data.
Factual Database
wiso Companies enables full text access to Company profiles, announcements in the German Companies Registration Office, and annual financial statements . An overview of included resources is available via https://www.wiso-net.de/sourceInformation/categoryNavigation?searchId=%3A3%3AFIR....