Fulltext Database
The Afghan Serials Collection is an essential collection of partisan serials from the Wahdat Library, the most comprehensive private collection of rare newspapers and journals from Afghanistan. This collection is a major contribution to the preservation of the history of the region and is comprised of the careful selection of more than 2,500 individual issues of 46 newspapers and journals published in Persian, Pushto, Arabic, Urdu, and English. The collection covers the use of the press by many groups that sought to shape Afghanistan’s social and intellectual landscape including the Communist People’s Democratic Party (PDPA); exiled loyalists to the deposed Afghan monarchy; independent humanitarians and intellectuals seeking to better their country; anti-Soviet mujaheddin groups from a range of political movements; the Taliban; and minority political parties that have emerged following the post-2001 transition towards democracy.
Fulltext Database
This resource bundles 5 primary sources collections digitized by Brill. Each collection was compiled by a renowned expert and reflects a thematic focus relevant for the research on the age of the Reformation and confessionalization.
Fulltext Database
Full text database containing material from China's republican period (1911 - 1949) and from the Peoples' Republic of China, from single districts and provinces. This material comprises items which are difficult to reference bibliographically, and which have been compiled since 1960, to provide historical and contemporary information from the various regions. Certain items are even related to the Opium Wars or to the conflicts with the West starting in the 1890s.