Book Collection
The e-book platform of the international scientific publisher Taylor & Francis contains selected English-language titles from the publishing house as well as the publishing imprints Routledge and CRC Press .It serves a wide range of disciplines in the field of humanities and social sciences, including history, politics, sociology, psychology and economics. Full-text access depends on the license scope of your institution. The accessible titles are marked with a green symbol. Some of the e-books are open access, the free e-books are marked with an orange symbol. Hit lists can be narrowed down to Show content I have access to by filtering.
Book Collection
This collection contains 35.000 pages of English-speaking national literature from 116 books originally published between 1789 and 1834. Independently from authors' places of birth, their works have been selected for the collection according to their Wales-related content. The collection has been compiled by members of Cardiff University, Wales, from literature holdings of the Fürstliche Bibliothek Corvey. E-books contain digitally enhanced facsimile pages of historical book pages, and even bookmarks to relevant parts of works. Within e-book pages, i.e. within historical texts and layout, fulltext searches can be performed.
Fulltext Database • Book Collection
The World Bank eLibrary comprises all eBooks of the World Bank published by its researchers. The publications particularly deal with the socio-economic development in less developed countries and regions, and comprise research results in the fields of development policy, economic policy, foreign trade, health, education, development aid, and poverty. Additionally, access to two eJournals is enabled via the archive, as well as access to 7,400 working papers offered by the World Bank in open access mode.