Book Collection
The primary aim of DOAB is to increase discoverability of Open Access books. Academic publishers are invited to provide metadata of their Open Access books to DOAB. An overview of participating publisher can be found here. The Max Planck Society is a devoted supporter of DOAJ, making it possible to sustain the services and benefit users worldwide.
Journal Collection
The DOAJ service lists toll-free, quality controlled, scientific and scholarly journals. It generally aims at covering all subjects and languages. The DOAJ Articles Search is restricted to those journals the publisher has supplied article metadata for. The Max Planck Society is a devoted supporter of DOAJ, ensuring its independency and quality content.
Book Collection
Edition Open Access provides open access to the publications of the Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge. The aim is to disseminate the results of scholarly work – in accordance with the open-access paradigm – to a broad audience rapidly and at low cost. The volumes presented here are directed at scholars and students in a wide range of disciplines. The works are available online both as print-on-demand books and open-access publications and can be accessed, together with additional information.
Journal Collection
The EZB is a huge directory of electronic journals which mirrors the central Max Planck Society subscriptions as well as the local licensing situation of the institutes. Access rights to the contents of the individual journals are indicated with "traffic lights". Entries are searchable on journal level.
Book Collection
Google Book Search is a service from Google that searches the full text of books that Google scans, converts to text using optical character recognition, and stores in its digital database.
Book Collection • MPG Library Catalog
The Max Planck e-Book Index provides holdings of electronic books licensed for users in the Max Planck Society.
Journal Collection • MPG Library Catalog
The Max Planck Journal Index provides holdings of a great range of printed journals available within the Max Planck Society. Besides, it contains metadata of electronic journals as loaded from the EZB. The database is updated regularly from the ZDB (twice a year) and the EZB (monthly).
Book Collection • Fulltext Database
A collaborative effort of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), OCLC, VTLS, and Scirus, the NDLTD Union Catalog contains more than one million records of electronic theses and dissertations. For students and researchers, the Union Catalog makes individual collections of NDLTD member institutions and consortia appear as one seamless digital library of electronic theses and dissertations.
Book Collection
Project Gutenberg is a volunteer effort to digitize and archive cultural works. Founded in 1971 by Michael Hart, it is the oldest digital library. Project Gutenberg's mission is "To encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks".
Journal Collection
The ZDB is the world’s largest specialized database for serial titles (journals, annuals, newspapers etc., incl. e-journals). The ZDB contains more than 1 million bibliographic records of serials from the 16th century onwards, from all countries, in all languages, held in 4000 German (and some foreign) libraries, with holdings information. It does not index individual journal articles.