External Library Catalog
With more than 700.000 items, the BBF is today Europe's second largest library specialised in education. Like the Herzog-August-Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel, it belongs to the association of German cultural research libraries fulfilling a national role.
Education Systems International is an Internet guide on education systems worldwide. The database offers links to institutions, databases, full texts and collections of facts from more than 230 countries and regions, which are of interest for users who work in educational research and administration. -- BildungsSysteme International als "Subject Internet Guide" des DIPF bietet Links zu Bildungsministerien, Bildungseinrichtungen, Fachgesellschaften, nationalen und internationalen Organisationen, zu Datenbanken, Volltexten und Fakteninformationen gegenwärtig aus mehr als 230 Ländern und Regionen.
MPG Library Catalog • Reference Database • Miscellaneous
EconBiz - a suject portal for economics and business studies - supports you in retrieving economic literature. It offers a literature search across important German and international databases, including the holdings of ZBW, and provides access to information services of libraries. EconBiz - die Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Wirtschaftswissenschaften - unterstützt Sie bei der Recherche wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Fachinformationen. Sie können in Internetquellen, in Online-Katalogen und Volltexten recherchieren und auf Informationsdienstleistungen von Bibliotheken zugreifen. Enthält neben aktueller Literatur viele Publikationen , die für Wirtschaftshistoriker interessant sind (1500 ff).
EconStor is the Open Access server of the German National Library of Economics, Leibniz Information Centre for Economics. EconStor provides a basis for the free publication of academic literature in economics.
Fulltext Database
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union and its homepage offers a whole range of data that governments, businesses, the education sector, journalists and the public can use for their work and daily life. The data covers following themes: - General and regional statistics - Economy and finance: National accounts (including GDP), ESA Input-Output tables, European sector accounts, Pensions in National Accounts, Government finance and EDP, Exchange rates, Interest rates, Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP), Housing price statistics, Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs), Balance of payments - Population and social conditions - Industry, trade and service: Manufactured goods (Prodcom), Postal services, Structural business statistics, Short-term business statistics, Tourism - Agriculture and fisheries - International trade - Transport - Environment and energy - Science and technology
Reference Database
This bibliographic database is the central access to the specialist information on education. In the center of the service are the specialist literature databases as well as comprehensive collections of information at the various aspects of educational science. -- Diese bibliografische Databank ist der zentrale Einstieg in die pädagogische Fachinformation. Im Mittelpunkt des Services stehen die fachlichen Literaturdatenbanken sowie umfassende Informationssammlungen zu den verschiedenen Aspekten der Erziehungswissenschaft.
Factual Database
The Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA) at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) is intended mainly to facilitate access to BA and IAB micro data for non-commercial empirical research using standardised and transparent access rules. The FDZ mediates between data producers and external users, and also controls for compliance with data protection regulations.
GENESIS-Online ist die Haupt-Datenbank des Statistischen Bundesamtes. Sie enthält ein breites Themenspektrum fachlich tief gegliederter Ergebnisse der amtlichen Statistik. Der Tabellenabruf ist kostenfrei Datenangebot Gebiete, Bevölkerung, Erwerbstätigkeit, Wahlen / Bildung, Sozialleistungen, Gesundheit, Recht /Wohnen, Umwelt /Wirtschaftsbereiche / Außenhandel, Unternehmen, Handwerk / Preise, Verdienste, Einkommen und Verbrauch / Öffentliche Finanzen / Gesamtrechnungen.
Book Collection • Journal Collection • Factual Database
The International Monetary Fund's eLibrary simplifies analysis and research with direct access to the IMF's periodicals, books, working papers and studies. Various statistical and visualization tools to showcase IMF datasets are offered free of charge via the IMF Data platform.
Reference Database
The database KRIMDok online covers criminological literature and literature of sciences related to criminology (e.g. psychology). The literature referred is predominantly German-speaking and consists of independent and dependent writings (books or essays). -- Die Datenbank KRIMDok online weist kriminologische Literatur sowie Literatur der kriminologischen Bezugswissenschaften nach (z.B. Psychologie). Die nachgewiesene Literatur ist vorwiegend deutschsprachig und besteht aus selbständigen und unselbständigen Schriften (Bücher bzw. Aufsätze).
Reference Database • External Library Catalog • Miscellaneous
LIVIVO bundles scientifically relevant resources from the subjects fields medicine, health, nutrition, environmental and agricultural sciences. It provides a common search interface over various data sources, such as library catalogs, specialist bibliographic databases, full texts from journals, and quality-controlled web content. LIVIVO combines the former ZB MED search portals MEDPILOT (2003 to 2015) and GREENPILOT (2009 to 2015).
Fulltext Database
MIA contains the writings of 592 authors representing a complete spectrum of political, philosophical, and scientific thought, generally spanning the past 200 years. Being a communist means working for the self-emancipation of the working class; it means striving to unite the working class, in all its diversity, in the struggle to overthrow capitalism. In the 1840s, Marx and Engels placed communism on a scientific footing through the theory of dialectical materialism. Marxists are those who have continued this ever since. If any one of the following criteria apply, the MIA Collective may decide to place the writer into the Reference Archive: (i) they pre-date Marx and Engels, (ii) they specifically reject Marxism, (iii) their work is practically and theoretically unconnected or hostile toward the workers movement, (iv) their work is idealistic or lacking in dialectic. Where a writer contributes to Marxist theory and practice for a part of their life, while other works lie outside of Marxism, then the whole of their writing will be placed in the Marxist Writers' Archive.Contains: Karl Marx/ Friedrich Engels - Werke ; Rosa Luxenburg; August Bebel; Antonio Gramsci ...
MPG Library Catalog
Die Campus-Bibliothek für Informatik und Mathematik ist die gemeinsame Bibliothek des Max-Planck-Instituts für Informatik Saarbrücken (MPI-INF), des Max-Planck-Instituts für Softwaresysteme Saarbrücken (MPI-SWS), des Deutschen Forschungszentrums für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI) und der Fachrichtungen Informatik und Mathematik der Universität des Saarlandes.
MPG Library Catalog
The Library and Information Service (BIS) is the joint library for the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) and five institutes of the Center for Earth System Science and Sustainability. The cooperation with some university institutes regarding the library exists since the foundation of the MPI-M in 1975.