Reference Database • Fulltext Database
SocArXiv, open archive of the social sciences, provides a free, non-profit, open access platform for social scientists to upload working papers, preprints, and published papers, with the option to link data and code. SocArXiv is dedicated to opening up social science, to reach more people more effectively, to improve research, and build the future of scholarly communication.
Reference Database
Springer Nature publishes the largest available collection of reproducible laboratory protocols and methods for the life sciences. The Experiments platform provides accees to the content from SpringerProtocols, Nature Methods, Nature Protocols and Protocol Exchange through a single easy-to-use platform, designed to save researchers' time.
EVIFA, the portal of Social and Cultural Anthropology, offers anthropological and folkloristic information from one source. It gives a fast, comprehensive access to specific information for anthropological research, regardless of the where about.
Reference Database
zbMATH Open (formerly known as Zentralblatt MATH) is the world's most complete and longest running abstracting and reviewing service in pure and applied mathematics. The MATH Database contains several million entries drawn from more than 3,500 serials and journals, and more than 1,100 book series and monographs. The entries are classified according to the Mathematics Subject Classification Scheme (MSC 2000).
Zenodo is an open data repository, developed and operated by CERN. It is an catch-all repository, that welcomes research from all over the world, and from every discipline. Zenodo does not impose any requirements on format, size, access restrictions or licence. A digital object identifier (DOI) is automatically assigned to all Zenodo files and it is integrated into reporting for research funded by the European Commission.