Fulltext Database
ALEX umfasst digitalisierte historische österreichische Rechts- und Gesetzestexte. Neben den gesamtstaatlichen Gesetzblättern stehen die Landesgesetzblätter, die Justizgesetzsammlung, die Stenographischen Protokolle und das Deutsche Reichsgesetzblatt zur Verfügung.
Fulltext Database
Besides the “Awards and Decisions”, the following documents are available: "Declaration of the government of the democratic and popular Republic of Algeria" also known as: "General Declaration", "Declaration of the government of the democratic and popular republic of Algeria concerning the settlement of claims by the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran" also known as "Claims settlement declaration" and "Tribunal rules of procedure".
Fulltext Database
The CODICES database contains the full text of over 10 000 judgments from over 100 courts mainly in English and in French, but also in other languages, as well as summaries of these judgments (précis) in English and in French. CODICES also contains the laws on constitutional courts and courts with equivalent jurisdiction and the constitutions of nearly all the Venice Commission member and observer states as well as other information including court descriptions and the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice’s mini-conference reports.
Welcome to CogPrints, an electronic archive for self-archive papers in any area of Psychology, neuroscience, and Linguistics, and many areas of Computer Science (e.g., artificial intelligence, robotics, vision, learning, speech, neural networks), Philosophy (e.g., mind, language, knowledge, science, logic), Biology (e.g., ethology, behavioral ecology, sociobiology, behaviour genetics, evolutionary theory), Medicine (e.g., Psychiatry, Neurology, human genetics, Imaging), Anthropology (e.g., primatology, cognitive ethnology, archeology, paleontology), as well as any other portions of the physical, social and mathematical sciences that are pertinent to the study of cognition.
MPG Library Catalog • Reference Database • Miscellaneous
Fulltext Database • Miscellaneous
The ECOLEX database includes information on treaties, international soft-law and other non-binding policy and technical guidance documents, national legislation, judicial decisions, and law and policy literature. Users have direct access to the abstracts and indexing information about each document, as well as to the full text of most of the information provided.
EUR-Lex provides free access to public EU documents in the 24 official languages. This includes: * the Official Journal of the European Union * EU law (EU treaties, directives, regulations, decisions, consolidated legislation, etc.) * preparatory acts (legislative proposals, reports, green and white papers, etc.) * EU case-law (judgements, orders, etc.) * international agreements * EFTA documents * other public documents EUR-Lex is based on the CELEX database, and is updated daily.
Journal Collection • Miscellaneous
F1000 Research is an open research and open access publishing platform, providing a suite of publishing services directly to researchers, research funders and institutions. The platform supports innovative features such as post-publication peer review, open peer review, and publication of negative results. The Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges for the open access journal F1000Research centrally. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Reference Database • Miscellaneous
H1 Connect is a literature awareness and recommendation tool that comprehensively highlights and reviews the most interesting papers published in biology and medicine. It is based on the recommendations of a faculty of selected leading scientists and enables researchers to set up a personalized literature service.
Fulltext Database
The database contains detailed mapping of over 100 investment laws around the globe. Together with UNCTAD's databases on policy measures, international investment agreements and dispute settlement, it represents the key features of national and international investment policies.The online Investment Laws Navigator allows users to access the full text of the national investment laws and search for key topics (e.g. entry conditions, investment promotion, dispute settlement) as well as for individual law articles (e.g. definition of investment, national treatment, expropriation clause). The UNCTAD Investment Laws database also offers a tool for policymakers, companies, academics and others to compare investment laws between countries and analyse their coherence between national investment laws and international investment agreements. Research is possible in six parts of the database: * Investment Policy Framework * Investment Policy Review * Investment Policy Monitor * Investment Laws * International Investment Agreements * Investment Dispute Settlement
MPG Library Catalog
The library collects literature on public international law and foreign public law from all over the world and in all languages. The library has the status of a United Nations Depository Library since 1949 and is also a European Documentation Centre of the European Union.
MPG Library Catalog
Gemeinsame Bibliothek des DRFZ und des MPIs für Infektionsbiologie
MPG Library Catalog
Die Bibliothek ist eine Spezialbibliothek mit Sammelschwerpunkten in den jeweiligen Arbeitsgebieten des Instituts: biomedizinische Optik, Biophysik, molekulare Biomechanismen, molekulare Neurobiologie und Zellphysiologie.
MPG Library Catalog
The special library maintained by the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology contains approximately 15,000 books and series of volumes and 25,900 bound journals covering the fields of biochemistry, organic chemistry, molecular and cell biology, protein chemistry and structural biology.
MPG Library Catalog
The Otto Hahn Library is a special scientific library which provides the institutes on the Max Planck Campus at Göttingen-Nikolausberg with literature and information. Its holdings primarily consist of literature covering the fields of research of the institutes Multidisciplinary Sciences and Dynamics & Self-Organization.