External Library Catalog
The Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage) acquires texts from all fields of knowledge in all languages, in every available form, from all epochs and all countries of the world - providing the materials are of interest for academic and research purposes. Current holdings and collections include printed works from many centuries, manuscripts, music autographs, maps, globes, atlases, newspapers and periodicals, various microformed materials, an increasing number of digitally presented texts as well as extensive databases.
External Library Catalog
With more than 700.000 items, the BBF is today Europe's second largest library specialised in education. Like the Herzog-August-Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel, it belongs to the association of German cultural research libraries fulfilling a national role.
Education Systems International is an Internet guide on education systems worldwide. The database offers links to institutions, databases, full texts and collections of facts from more than 230 countries and regions, which are of interest for users who work in educational research and administration. -- BildungsSysteme International als "Subject Internet Guide" des DIPF bietet Links zu Bildungsministerien, Bildungseinrichtungen, Fachgesellschaften, nationalen und internationalen Organisationen, zu Datenbanken, Volltexten und Fakteninformationen gegenwärtig aus mehr als 230 Ländern und Regionen.
Clio-online is a central Internet gateway for historical scholarship in teaching and research. Sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the gateway enables efficient access to the diverse range of historical online ressources available to scholars and teachers within the field of history. Clio-online ist ein zentrales Internet Fachportal zur Geschichte. Seit Mai 2002 von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft gefördert, ermöglicht das Projekt durch seine Online-Dienste und Service-Angebote einen effizienten Zugang zu den umfangreichen Online-Ressourcen innerhalb der Geschichtswissenschaften.
External Library Catalog
Copac exposes rare and unique research material by bringing together the catalogues of c.90 major UK and Irish libraries. In a single search you can discover the holdings of the UK’s national libraries (including the British Library), many University libraries, and specialist research libraries.
MPG Library Catalog • Reference Database • Miscellaneous
Factual Database • Miscellaneous
"Data Services for the Social Sciences" is a department of GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. Its mission is to foster FAIR data, open science and reproducible research in the quantitative and computational social sciences. To ensure that data holdings remain usable and interpretable over the long term, it offers sustainable infrastructures and services for data management, curation, and long-term preservation. ​These include archiving services with different curation levels for different needs as well as access to archived data including access to sensitive data in the GESIS Secure Data Center. The services also cover the data registration agency da|ra and training on data management for easier retrieval and re-analysis of data.
DEPATISnet is a service provided to you by the German Patent and Trade Mark Office. You can conduct online searches in patent publications from around the world stored in the database of DEPATIS, the in-house patent information system of the GPTO.
The Deposit Once of the Technische Universität Berlin makes qualified scientific text documents and research data of members of the TU Berlin available online. The repository is committed to the principles of Open Access and includes parallel publications from peer-reviewed publishers (post-prints) as well as dissertations, monographs, conference proceedings, collections and other scientific treatises.
External Library Catalog
The catalog comprises the holdings of the locations Leipzig since 1913, Frankfurt am Main since 1945, the holdings of the Deutsches Musikarchiv since 1976, and archival papers of the Deutsches Exilarchiv 1933-1945 since 2005. The catalog covers monographs, journals, maps and atlases, music and sound storage media, and dissertations published in Germany since 1913 (in print or electronically), in addition, translations from German into other languages and foreign-language works related to Germanic culture (since 1941). -- Der Katalog umfasst die Bestände der Standorte Leipzig seit 1913, Frankfurt am Main seit 1945, die Bestände des Deutschen Musikarchivs seit 1976 und die Archivalien des Deutschen Exilarchivs 1933-1945 seit 2005. Der Katalog beinhaltet in Deutschland seit 1913 erschienene Monografien, Zeitschriften, Karten und Atlanten, Musikalien und Tonträger, Dissertationen und Habilitationsschriften in gedruckter oder elektronischer Form, außerdem Übersetzungen aus dem Deutschen in andere Sprachen und fremdsprachige Germanica (seit 1941).
Reference Work
The trilingual termbase DIN-TERM provides translations for German, French or English standardized terms. The database contains concepts from valid and withdrawn standards, draft standards and specifications.
EconBiz - a suject portal for economics and business studies - supports you in retrieving economic literature. It offers a literature search across important German and international databases, including the holdings of ZBW, and provides access to information services of libraries. EconBiz - die Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Wirtschaftswissenschaften - unterstützt Sie bei der Recherche wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Fachinformationen. Sie können in Internetquellen, in Online-Katalogen und Volltexten recherchieren und auf Informationsdienstleistungen von Bibliotheken zugreifen. Enthält neben aktueller Literatur viele Publikationen , die für Wirtschaftshistoriker interessant sind (1500 ff).
EconStor is the Open Access server of the German National Library of Economics, Leibniz Information Centre for Economics. EconStor provides a basis for the free publication of academic literature in economics.
The Document and Publication Server of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is a service of the university library and the computer and media services. It offers the organisational and technical framework to all members of HU Berlin for publishing scientific documents digitally. Documents that are stored include single publications and publication series, collections, conference papers, research reports, journals (e-journals), theses and dissertations, master theses and seminar papers.
Throughout Europe, national patent offices and the European Patent Office (EPO) offer free patent information on the Internet Patents reveal solutions to technical problems, and they represent an inexhaustable source of information: more than 80 percent of man's technical knowledge is described in patent literature. From the middle of 1998 onwards, esp@cenet users have been able to access the bibliographic data of all patents published in the preceding two years by any member state of the European Patent Organisation, as well as by the European Patent Office and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). In addition, full-page facsimile images of documents are also retrievable to facilitate more detailed analysis of these documents. The data for this particular service is stored at the relevant national office.
EUR-Lex provides free access to public EU documents in the 24 official languages. This includes: * the Official Journal of the European Union * EU law (EU treaties, directives, regulations, decisions, consolidated legislation, etc.) * preparatory acts (legislative proposals, reports, green and white papers, etc.) * EU case-law (judgements, orders, etc.) * international agreements * EFTA documents * other public documents EUR-Lex is based on the CELEX database, and is updated daily.
The search engine provides users with the option to search various historically relevant databases and catalogues on general and European history in parallel.
Factual Database
The Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA) at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) is intended mainly to facilitate access to BA and IAB micro data for non-commercial empirical research using standardised and transparent access rules. The FDZ mediates between data producers and external users, and also controls for compliance with data protection regulations.
External Library Catalog
GBV is the Common Library Network of the German Federal States Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein and Thüringen. The head office of the GBV (VZG) is situated in Göttingen. The GBV has established a virtual library in form of the GBV Union Catalogue (GVK) combining the resources of all participating libraries and making them easily accessible to the public.
External Library Catalog
The union catalog lists the holdings of all scientific libraries in Hessen and Rheinhessen. Inter-library loan requests may be submitted.