Fulltext Database
The database Russian Military and Security Periodicals comprises numerous journals and newspapers covering military and security developments in Russia, published since 1992. Issued by the Russian Military as well as independent sources, the publications cover all branches of the armed forces, including the Russian Air Force, Army and Navy. While the majority of titles is published in Russian, the collection also includes several English-language journals.
Reference Database
The Russian national bibliography is going back to 1998 and consists of 8 series: * Knigi Rossii (formerly Knizhnaia letopis’): Russian book publications. * Statii iz rossiiskikh gazet (formerly Letopis’ gazetnykh statei): Bibliographic entries on documentary materials, articles, and works of fiction from every major newspaper in Russia. * Statii iz rossiiskikh zhurnalov (formerly Letopis’ zhurnal’nykh statei): The complete index to Russian journals. * Retsenzii iz rossiiskikh izdanii (formerly Letopis’ retsenzii): Book reviews (Russian and foreign) found in the central and regional Russian press. * Rossiiskie kartograficheskie izdaniia (formerly Kartograficheskaia letopis’): Bibliographic information for all cartography and maps produced in Russia. * Avtoreferaty dissertatsii (formerly Letopis’ avtoreferatov dissertatsii): Indexes all synopses of dissertations defended in research and educational establishments in the Russian Federation. * Rossiiskie notnye izdaniia (formerly Notnaia letopis’): General index to Russian music. * Rossiiskie izoizdaniia (formerly Letopis’ izoizdanii): Bibliographic index of albums, posters and reproductions published either separately or appearing in books, collected works and magazines.
Fulltext Database
The "Slaviane" was a monthly published magazine by the All-Slavic Committee, a Soviet anti-fascist organization (Slaviane or Slavs). Slaviane Digital Archives contains full text as well as facsimile format. The anti-fascist Soviet propaganda magazine was founded in 1942 and emerged during World War II as a platform for intellectuals and politicians from Slavic countries. After the end of the war, the journal shifted its focus from fighting Nazism to reporting on life and culture in the Soviet Union.
Fulltext Database
Collection of the earliest part of the Slavonic early printed books of the Moscow University Library, consisting of 40 Slavonic bibles and Cyrillic religious books printed in the 15th and 16th centuries, including editions of the Gospels, New Testaments, Acts and Epistles, and Psalms.
Fulltext Database
The documents in this collection cover the period when state monopoly control over the Soviet cinema industry - production, distribution and exhibition - was being established and this is why they cover a number of different organizations and institutions.
Fulltext Database
The Stalin Digital Archive is a result of collaboration between the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (RGASPI) and Yale University Press (YUP) to create an electronic database of finding aids, to digitize documents and images, and to publish in different forms and media materials from the recently declassified Stalin archive in the holdings of RGASPI. The database contains a selection of documents from Fond 558, which covers Stalin's personal biography, his work in government, and his conduct of foreign affairs.
Journal Collection • Fulltext Database
The world's first database of newspapers and magazines of Ukraine (UDB-UKR) includes publications in Russian, Ukrainian, and English. They cover a broad range of political, economic, and cultural affairs of Ukraine. Topics include Ukraine's progress along the reform path, the view and positions of various political forces, changes in legislation, ethnic relations, and organizational trends in development of the armed forces. The database also includes news wire reports and other products of Ukrainian news agencies. An integral and unique part of this database is the Ukrainian Book Chamber's editions, which list everything published in Ukraine with detailed bibliographic description.
Book Collection • Reference Work
Universitetskaja Biblioteka Online offers ebooks on Russian Literature and Linguistics, History, Law, Economics, Social Sciences and Culture as well as Russian, Eurasian and Slavic Studies. The ebooks are hosted on University Library Online, e-content platform with English language interface. Additionally, for gaining a deeper understanding of Russia and Russian language, it provides access to: encyclopedias, audiobooks and maps.
Journal Collection
The journal Vestnik Evropy is among the earliest and most influential literary and political journals of Russia. The founder of the journal was the writer and historian Nikolaj Karamzin. The journal was published in three series: 1802 - 1830, 1866 - 1918 and since 2001. The period 1866 - 1918 is presently not available digitally. From 2001 onwards, the title is available on the internet free of charge.
Fulltext Database
Voennaia Mysl’ (Military Thought) is regarded as the most authoritative military-theoretical journal in the USSR and post-Soviet Russia. Established in 1918, a year after the October Revolution, as Voennoe Delo, it underwent several name changes and became Voennaia Mysl’ in 1937. Published under the auspices of Ministry of Defense, and directly subordinate to the General Staff, Voennaia Mysl’ throughout can be regarded as avehicle for the articulation of various Soviet and Russian military doctrines. With the beginning of the Cold War access to Voennaia Mysl’ became severely restricted with the covers carrying the classification stamp “For Generals, Admirals, and Officers Only.” The journal remained classified until 1989.
Journal Collection
The oldest Soviet and Russian academic history journal, Voprosy istorii ("Issues of History") has offered scholarly perspectives on events in Russia and the world since 1926. Published by the Russian Academy of Sciences, this legendary journal covering Russian and world history was first published under the title Istorik-Marksist (Marxist Historian, 1926-1941), then Istoricheskii zhurnal (History Journal, 1937-1945) and finally under the present title (since 1945). Voprosy istorii is a forum for distinguished historians from Russia and abroad who regularly contribute analyses on a broad scope of issues. Also offered in the journal are portraits, journalism, memoirs, and more, from a historical perspective. Voprosy istorii is also recognized for the publication of unedited and archival materials, including those recently declassified.
Fulltext Database
The Warsaw Pact Journal Digital Archive includes all 40 issues of the journal "Informatsionnyi sbornik ShOVS Varshavskogo Dogovora" published between 1970 and 1990. This was a secret Soviet-run military-theoretical journal with a thematic focus on coalition strategy and operations. During its existence, the Warsaw Pact Journal played an important role in communicating military doctrine and strategy among Warsaw Pact members. During this period, the Warsaw Pact Journal was the only journal in which officers from all Pact countries actively contributed their analyses and contributions.
Fulltext Database
Artek's Archive reflects the recreation camp's history between 1944 and 1967, containing government documents on Soviet social and health policies, administrative, medical and financial records, transcripts of meetings, materials on educational and ideological work carried out in the camp statistical reports, food rations and provision standards, letters from Soviet and foreign children, diaries etc.
Fulltext Database
The bimonthly newspaper Za vozvrashchenie na Rodinu ("Return to the Motherland") was published between 1955-1960 in East Berlin, primarily aimed at Russian emigrants in the West. Against the background of the Cold War, it was established under the watchful eye of the KGB and published by the Soviet Repatriation Committee, serving as an important anti-Western propaganda outlet for the USSR. The main objective was to create a favorable image of the Soviet Union and to criticize émigré organizations in the post-war period. During its publication, the newspaper was not available to the public on a subscription basis, therefore it has become a rare information resource.