Factual Database • Reference Database
The database GEOROC is maintained by the Geoscience Centre at Göttingen University. The database is a comprehensive collection of published analyses of volcanic rocks and mantle xenoliths. It contains major and trace element concentrations, radiogenic and nonradiogenic isotope ratios as well as analytical ages for whole rocks, glasses, minerals and inclusions. Samples come from 11 different geological settings. Metadata include, among others, geographic location with latitude and longitude, rock class and rock type, alteration grade, analytical method, laboratory, reference materials and references.
Das Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz stellt in einem gemeinsamen Projekt mit der juris GmbH für interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger nahezu das gesamte aktuelle Bundesrecht kostenlos im Internet bereit. Die Gesetze und Rechtsverordnungen können in ihrer jeweils geltenden Fassung abgerufen werden. Sie werden durch die Dokumentationsstelle im Bundesamt für Justiz fortlaufend konsolidiert. Im Aktualitätendienst werden Verlinkungen zu allen neu im Bundesgesetzblatt Teil I verkündeten Vorschriften bis zu sechs Monate nach deren Inkrafttreten vorgehalten. Dort können auch die Texte der Änderungsvorschriften aufgerufen werden, die den konsolidierten Gesetzen und Verordnungen zugrunde liegen.
Reference Database
The Data Catalogue DBK holds study descriptions of all studies that are long-term archived at the Data Archive. You can search for studies and download or order data for secondary analysis. Topics: Agricultural, forestry and rural industry ; Rural economics ; Labour and employment ; Working conditions ; Unemployment ; In-job training ; Employment ; Demography and population ; Educational policy ; Biotechnology ; Drug abuse ; Income, property and investment / saving ; Elites and leadership ; Nutrition Education ; Family life and marriage ; Fertility ; Land use and planning ; Leisure, tourism and sport ; Community, urban and rural life ; History; Gender and gender roles ; Business / industrial management ; Society and culture ; Law, crime and legal systems ; Legislation ; Health ; Equality and inequality ; Trade, industry and markets ; Information technology, society ; Domestic political issues ; International politics and organisation ; Youth ; Children ; Conflict, security and peace ; Consumption / consumer behaviour ; Crime ; Cultural activities and participation ; Cultural and national identity ; Physical fitness and exercise ; Life-long / continuing education ; Teaching profession ; Vocational education ; Teaching packages and test datasets ; Mass media ; Migration ; Minorities ; Natural landscapes ; Natural resources and energy ; Plant and animal distribution ; Politics ; Political ideology ; Mass political behaviour, attitudes / opinion ; Psychology ; Legal systems ; Government, political systems and organisation ; Religion and values ; Rehabilitation / reintegration into society ; Retirement ; Childbearing, family planning and abortion ; Social exclusion ; Specific social services: use and provision ; Social conditions and indicators ; Social stratification; Social welfare policy; elderly; elections Economic conditions and indicators ; Economic policy.
Reference Database
The GESIS search can be used to find information about social science research data and open access publications. It covers: * Research Data * Variables from questionnaires * Instruments and tools * Literature, incl. publications on research data & surveying instruments, open access publications in the social sciences, as well as literature on the topic "Women in science" * Collections of the GESIS library * GESIS webpages, incl. general information and offers on the GESIS websites
Book Collection
Google Book Search is a service from Google that searches the full text of books that Google scans, converts to text using optical character recognition, and stores in its digital database.
Google Patents is a service from Google to search and read the full text of patents from around the world. Non-patent literature can be included to the search strategy via Google Scholar.
Reference Database
Bei GovData handelt es sich um ein Metadatenportal, über das Bund, Länder und Kommunen ihre Daten zugänglich machen. Zentraler Bestandteil von GovData ist ein Metadatenkatalog. Über die darin enthaltenen standardisierten Metadaten (einheitliche strukturierte Beschreibungen) sind die Daten einfach auffindbar und zugänglich. Die Daten selbst werden weiterhin von den Datenbereitstellern dezentral vorgehalten und gepflegt.
Reference Database • Miscellaneous
H1 Connect is a literature awareness and recommendation tool that comprehensively highlights and reviews the most interesting papers published in biology and medicine. It is based on the recommendations of a faculty of selected leading scientists and enables researchers to set up a personalized literature service.
External Library Catalog
The union catalog lists the holdings of all scientific libraries in Hessen and Rheinhessen. Inter-library loan requests may be submitted.
Journal Collection
HighWire Press is a division of the Stanford University Libraries, which produces the online versions of more than 1000 peer-reviewed journals mainly in the area of life sciences (biology, chemistry, medicine), supplemented by content from the social sciences. HighWire-hosted publishers have collectively made more than 2 million articles available via the internet for free. -- Portal der Stanford University für elektronische Zeitschriften aus den "Life Sciences" (Biologie, Chemie, Medizin) und ergänzend den Sozialwissenschaften. Ausgewertet werden mehr als 1000 Zeitschriften, die durchsucht werden können. Mehr als 2 Millionen Artikel stehen kostenlos im Internet zur Verfügung.
Journal Collection
Hindawi publishes peer-reviewed, Open Access journals across many areas of science, technology, and medicine, as well as several areas of social science. The Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges for Max Planck authors centrally. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Fulltext Database
Histat serves as access-platform of time series data collected in the framework of economic and social historical research.All together, all in the database Histat contained time series enclose about five and a half million values. From the year 1800 at least thousand values for nearly each year are available, from the middle of the 19th century there are already more than 10.000 values on hand via Histat, and with the foundation of the German Empire (in 1871) there are more than 20.000 values available per year. The highlights are the years at the beginning of the 20th Century: for several years there are about 60.000 values available via histat.
Reference Database
Die Datenbank weist historische Bücher nach, die in Deutschland oder im deutschsprachigen Ausland erschienen sind. Darüber hinaus umfasst sie deutsch- und fremdsprachige Aufsätze aus Zeitschriften und Sammelwerken (Kongress- und Festschriften etc.) sowie andere historische Veröffentlichungen. Hinzu kommen Einträge aus dem "Jahrbuch der historischen Forschung", das sich auf laufende Forschungsarbeiten bezieht. The database establishes historic books published in Germany or in the German-speaking abroad. Moreover, it covers German- and foreign language-speaking papers from journals and collected editions (congress papers and commemorative publications) as well as other historic publications. Added to this are records from the "Jahrbuch der historischen Forschung", which refers to current research work.
Fulltext Database
The database contains detailed mapping of over 100 investment laws around the globe. Together with UNCTAD's databases on policy measures, international investment agreements and dispute settlement, it represents the key features of national and international investment policies.The online Investment Laws Navigator allows users to access the full text of the national investment laws and search for key topics (e.g. entry conditions, investment promotion, dispute settlement) as well as for individual law articles (e.g. definition of investment, national treatment, expropriation clause). The UNCTAD Investment Laws database also offers a tool for policymakers, companies, academics and others to compare investment laws between countries and analyse their coherence between national investment laws and international investment agreements. Research is possible in six parts of the database: * Investment Policy Framework * Investment Policy Review * Investment Policy Monitor * Investment Laws * International Investment Agreements * Investment Dispute Settlement
Factual Database
We hope to help in correcting misperceptions regarding the state of humanity through the presentation of empirical data that focuses on long-term developments. All of our wide-ranging data comes from third parties, including the World Bank, the OECD, the Eurostat, and the United Nations. By putting together this comprehensive data in an accessible way, our goal is to provide a useful resource for scholars, journalists, students, and the general public.
Factual Database
The ICTWSS database covers four key elements of modern political economies: trade unionism, wage setting, state intervention and social pacts. The database contains annual data for all OECD and EU member states.
About 30 databases of the International Labour Organization. -- Etwa 30 Datenbanken der International Labour Organization.
External Library Catalog
Catalog especially for graphic arts and prints.
Book Collection • Journal Collection • Factual Database
The International Monetary Fund's eLibrary simplifies analysis and research with direct access to the IMF's periodicals, books, working papers and studies. Various statistical and visualization tools to showcase IMF datasets are offered free of charge via the IMF Data platform.