Corpus de la littérature médiévale

DFG Nationallizenz

Database with more than 900 works of medieval French literature, composed in the langue d'oïl. It contains narrative prose, chanson de geste, poetry as well as spiritual and worldly drama. Texts have been treated as in scientifically acknowledged reference editions.

Corpus de la littérature médiévale

Database with more than 900 works of medieval French literature, composed in the langue d'oïl. It contains narrative prose, chanson de geste, poetry as well as spiritual and worldly drama. Texts have been treated as in scientifically acknowledged reference editions.

Title (Alternative):Corpus of Medieval Literature
Provider:Classiques Garnier Numérique
Provider (Alternative):Éditions Champion Électronique
Language: French
Time Span:9th - 15th century
Subject Category:Social Sci. + Humanities
Keyword:Romance studies
Resource Type:Fulltext Database
Scope:Max Planck Society
Usage Conditions:
Funding:Advanced by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG): Germany-wide access

The Germany-wide access to this database is enabled by the advancement of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and organized by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München