Fulltext Database
The complete spectrum of legal information (Federal Republic of Germany) is available by Juris: Jurisprudence, press releases, literature/facts, laws and executive order laws, the German Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger), and administrative instructions. In addition, the content of Staudinger Online is available. -- Mit Juris steht Ihnen das komplette Spektrum an rechtlichen Informationen (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) zur Verfügung: Rechtsprechung, Pressemitteilungen, Literatur/Fakten, Gesetze und Rechtsverordnungen, Bundesanzeiger und Verwaltungsvorschriften. Zusätzlich sind die Inhalte von Staudinger Online verfügbar.
Book Collection • Journal Collection
Karger is a scientific publisher of journals and books in all medical areas, including immunology, genetics, oncology, nephrology, neurology, cellular and molecular biology. MPG staff has full text access to the current content of the entire Karger journal collection and selected eBooks. In addition, the agreement covers arising article-processing charges for Max Planck authors in Karger hybrid and Gold Open Access journals. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
External Library Catalog
The Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue (KVK) is a meta search engine which allows you to simultaneously access selected library and book trade catalogs worldwide. Altogether, these resources contain hundreds of millions of books, magazines and other media.
Fulltext Database
The Russian-language newspaper Kavkaz (Caucasus) was published during 1846-1918 in Tiflis (Tbilisi), Georgia. The newspaper's main purpose was to promote the Russian culture and Russian influence in the Caucasus as well as to acquaint the Russian public with the life, habits and traditions of the tribes populating the province of the Caucasus. The paper published official documents of the Russian Empire, as well as many historical, cultural and archeological writings.
Fulltext Database
Kino Zhurnal A.R.K. ("The Magazine of the Association of Revolutionary Cinematography") is a Soviet film magazine, published in Moscow between 1925-1926. The archive contains all twelve issues of the monthly magazine consisting of 444 articles which deal with Soviet and international cinema.
Fulltext Database
Online resource for international arbitration research. Coverage: legislation, case law, bilateral investment treaties, commentary, conventions, rules. Access to books, journals and loose-leafs from the Kluwer Law International arbitration catalogue.
Fulltext Database
Kluwer International Tax Law, is a state of the art, intuitive research platform for Tax Professionals leveraging Wolters Kluwer’s top international content and practical tools providing answers Kluwer International Tax Law ist eine hochmoderne, intuitive Forschungsplattform für Steuerfachleute, die internationale Top-Inhalte und praktische Tools von Wolters Kluwer nutzt.
Journal Collection
Kluwer Law International (which is now Wolters Kluwer Law & Business) provides the global business community with reliable international legal information. Though access to current volumes is no longer licensed, access to the archive - 2010 is still possible.
Fulltext Database
Electronic editions of selected titles of the series International encyclopaedia of laws (and other loose-leaf publications). Elektronische Ausgaben ausgewählter Titel der Reihe International encyclopaedia of laws (sowie weiterer Loseblattausgaben).
Fulltext Database
Journal articles and e-books on competition law and adjacent fields of law e.g. antitrust law, are available as full text. Additionally, you can access commentaries and jurisdictions from individual countries. -- Zeitschriftenartikel und E-Books zum Wettbewerbsrecht und angrenzenden Rechtsgebieten, wie z.B. Kartellrecht, stehen als Volltext zur Verfügung. Zudem können Kommentare und Rechtsprechungen einzelner Länder abgerufen werden. Themen: Rechtswissenschaften, Wettbewerbsrecht, Kartellrecht, Rechtsprechung, Kommentar
External Library Catalog
The KOBV-Index is a central database that is maintained and regularly updated at KOBV-Zentrale. Der KOBV-Index ist eine zentrale Datenbank, die in der KOBV-Zentrale gepflegt und regelmäßig aktualisiert wird.
Reference Database
The KCI Korean Journal Database provides a comprehensive snapshot of the most influential regional content from researchers in South Korea. Using citation connections from the Web of Science™, regional work is framed within the broader context of global research. Created in collaboration with the National Research Foundation of Korea, this database covers articles from approximately 2,000 scholarly journals (over 1,500 new to the Web of Science).
Reference Database
The database KRIMDok online covers criminological literature and literature of sciences related to criminology (e.g. psychology). The literature referred is predominantly German-speaking and consists of independent and dependent writings (books or essays). -- Die Datenbank KRIMDok online weist kriminologische Literatur sowie Literatur der kriminologischen Bezugswissenschaften nach (z.B. Psychologie). Die nachgewiesene Literatur ist vorwiegend deutschsprachig und besteht aus selbständigen und unselbständigen Schriften (Bücher bzw. Aufsätze).
Fulltext Database
The "Krokodil" was published from 1922 to 2008 and the most popular satirical magazine of the USSR, with a circulation of 6.5 million copies. It made fun of religion, alcoholism, political personalities and events as well as bureaucracy and excessive central control. The cartoons contained in the "Krokodil" can be used as a measure of the correct party line at that time. Users are able to search for persons and organizations and find them not only in the articles, but also in cartoons and drawings.
MPG Library Catalog
Traditionell liegt der Schwerpunkt der Sammlung auf Künstlermonographien (auch Ausstellungskatalogen), kunsttopographischer Literatur zu den Regionen und Orten Italiens sowie auf Quellenschriften
Reference Database
Kuselit Online, eine verlagsübergreifende Rechtsbibliografie, weist juristische Aufsätze, Urteile, Urteilsanmerkungen, Rezensionen, Tagungsberichte sowie in Festschriften erschienene Beiträge nach.
Reference Database
Online-Ausgabe von Kürschners Deutschem Gelehrten-Kalender, die immer auf dem aktuellen Stand gehalten wird und die gezielte Suche nach Kriterien wie z.B. dem Fachgebiet ermöglicht. Zusätzlich zur gedruckten Ausgabe sind Angaben zu ca. 8.800 Personen, die seit 1996 als verstorben ermittelt wurden.
Reference Work
Various dictionaries are available (incl. Duden).
Book Collection
Language Description Heritage (LDH) provides open access to descriptive material about the world's languages with a focus on traditionally difficult to obtain works. This collection is being compiled at first by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and now by the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. -- Language Description Heritage (LDH) ist eine Datenbank, die freien Zugriff auf deskriptive Materialien zu den Sprachen der Welt gewährt. Dabei legt den Schwerpunkt auf überlicherweise schwer erhältlich Arbeiten. Die Sammlung wurde zuerst am Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionäre Anthropology angelegt und wird nun am Max-Planck-Institut für Menschheitsgeschichte fortgeführt.
Latest Thinking (LT) aims to facilitate access to scientific research by asking leading researchers to explain their publications to a wider audience. Together with the scholars LT produces videos on their respective studies and collects those videos on the LT platform. In the videos, the researchers tell you what their question was, how they approached the problem, what they found out, where the relevance of their studies lies and how they or others may further deal with the subject. The Max Planck Society covers the video production charges for invited Max Planck researchers centrally. Further details are available on the MPDL website.