Journal Collection
The Scitation platform offers access to electronic journals published by the American Institute of Physics and its member societies. Users from the MPG have access to journals of following societies: * Acoustical Society of America (ASA) * American Association of Physics Teacher (AAPT) * American Institute of Physics (AIP), incl. AIP Conference Proceedings * Chinese Physical Society * Laser Institute of America * Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing (AVS) * Society of Rheology The MPG subscription covers article-processing charges for Max Planck authors in AIP's own journals and in most of AIP's partner societies journals. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Fulltext Database
Anthropology Online brings together a wide range of written ethnographies, field notes, seminal texts, memoirs, and contemporary studies, covering human behavior the world over. It will grow to become the most comprehensive resource for the study of social and cultural life yet created. Cross-searchable with Ethnographic Video Online, Anthropology Online provides sociologists, anthropologists, cultural historians, and others with complete works of the key practitioners and theorists alike throughout the discipline. The majority of the content is in English, with some French and German material. Geographical coverage is global, with special focus given outside the developed world. Ranging from 19th century to the present day, Anthropology Online documents the history and development of the discipline itself, while also providing the most comprehensive tool for current trends and contemporary study.
Journal Collection
PsychiatryOnline is a platform providing access to the journals published by the American Psychiatric Association. The subscription covers access to the archival collections of four of the publishing society's e-journals, specializing in the areas of psychiatry, psychotherapy, and psychosomatics. This includes all content from volume 1 until the year 2005.
Journal Collection
BioMed Central is an STM (Science, Technology and Medicine) publisher of 270 peer-reviewed open access journals. The portfolio of journals spans all areas of biology, biomedicine and medicine and includes broad interest titles, such as BMC Biology and BMC Medicine alongside specialist journals, such as Retrovirology and BMC Genomics. The Max Planck Society is a BMC member and covers article-processing charges for Max Planck authors centrally. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Book Collection • Journal Collection
BioOne, a nonprofit organization, hosts and provides Web-based access to the full text of a uniquely valuable set of high-impact bio-science research journals. All of these journals are published by scholarly societies and other independent science publishers, and many are not available through other online services. Major areas of coverage include: Arachnology, Beetles, Crustaceans, Ecology, Botany, Entomology, Environmental science, Evolutionary biology, Ferns, Fish, Genetics, Lichens, Mammals, Microbiology, Mosses and liverworts, Natural history, Ornithology, Paleontology, Parasitology, Photobiology, Reproduction, Reptiles, Veterinary science, Zoology
Reference Database
Book Citation Index--Science (BKCI-S) and Social Sciences & Humanities (BKCI-SSH) The Book Citation Index is a multidisciplinary index to the literature of the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Database Coverage: 2005 (copyright year) to the present
Reference Database
CAB Abstracts is a bibliographic database compiled by the non-profit organization CAB International. It covers the significant research and development literature in the fields of agriculture, forestry, aspects of human health, human nutrition, animal health, and the management and conservation of natural resources.
Journal Collection
Cairn offers the most comprehensive collection of French and Belgian journals in social sciences available online. Note that access to newer content is generally not free of charge (moving wall 2 to 5 years).
Fulltext Database
The collection contains reports prepared for and by a variety of Soviet and Ukrainian government agencies, such as the KGB, documenting and detailing the most important developments in the wake of the explosion of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) on April 26, 1986 in the Ukrainian city of Pripyat. It also provides internal reports and investigations on the various causes of the disaster, including the problems with the design of the NPP, and the extent of the Soviet and Ukrainian government knowledge on many of the shortcomings that made the Chernobyl meltdown not only possible but in a sense inevitable.
Fulltext Database
The Chernobyl Newspapers Collection comprises three previously unavailable local newspapers published in the Chernobyl area in the years before and after the nuclear disaster. The collection gives researchers unique access to important lesser-known primary sources from the era. The two newspapers "Prapor peremohy" (1981-1988) and "Trybuna pratsi" (1981-1990), published in Ukrainian within or in the immediate vicinity of the exclusion zone, provide the opportunity to explore the larger socio-cultural and historical context of the regions affected by the Chernobyl disaster. "Tribuna Energetika" (1979-1990), published in Russian under the aegis of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, provides insight into the everyday life of the power plant and the city of Pripyat.
The CogNet Library is a growing, searchable collection of books, journals, reference works, OpenCourseWare links and conference materials. Content and resources are provided by The MIT Press and other publishers, professional associations, institutions, and individuals who are willing to share public access to online work.
Welcome to CogPrints, an electronic archive for self-archive papers in any area of Psychology, neuroscience, and Linguistics, and many areas of Computer Science (e.g., artificial intelligence, robotics, vision, learning, speech, neural networks), Philosophy (e.g., mind, language, knowledge, science, logic), Biology (e.g., ethology, behavioral ecology, sociobiology, behaviour genetics, evolutionary theory), Medicine (e.g., Psychiatry, Neurology, human genetics, Imaging), Anthropology (e.g., primatology, cognitive ethnology, archeology, paleontology), as well as any other portions of the physical, social and mathematical sciences that are pertinent to the study of cognition.
MPG Library Catalog • Reference Database • Miscellaneous
Reference Database
Criminal Justice Abstracts contains of in-depth abstracts of current books, book chapters, journal articles, government reports, and dissertations published worldwide. The database also offers extensive coverage of new books from scholarly and commercial publishers and valuable reports from public and private agencies in many nations. Prepared in co-operation with the Don M. Gottfredson Library of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University Law Library, Criminal Justice Abstracts covers a wide range of topics in criminal justice, including crime trends, crime prevention and deterrence, juvenile delinquency, juvenile justice, police, courts, punishment and sentencing.
Book Collection
Digi20 concentrates on the digitalization of monographs published in the second half of the 20th century, predominantly in the field of humanities and social sciences. In the first phase of the project, approx. 4,700 titles of programme segments of the publishers Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Wilhelm Fink / Ferdinand Schöningh as well as Otto Sagner were digitized. In a second phase, further approx. 1,750 titles are being included till 2014 by consecutively digitizing all monographs up to a defined ‘Moving Wall’ of three to five years to the current year of publication.
Reference Work
Die Beiträge, die von führenden Expert*innen verfasst werden, ermöglichen eine verlässliche und zitierfähige Recherche in Grundlagen, Begriffen, Konzepten und Anwendungsgebieten. Strukturiert werden die Inhalte nach psychologischen Gebieten, die einen informativen Einstieg und Orientierung ermöglichen und die wichtigsten Stichworte benennen.
Book Collection • Fulltext Database
The collection licensed by the DFG comprises 1000 e-Books. In addition, access to 3,400 free electronic books from all subject areas is provided.
Fulltext Database
EcoSal Online is a continually updated Web resource based on the classic ASM Press print publication "Escherichia coli and Salmonella: Cellular and Molecular Biology" Author: Neidhardt. This project is intended primarily to serve the needs of the E. coli/Salmonella research community as a comprehensive archive of the entire corpus of knowledge about the enteric bacterial cell. It is expected to be of value also to all cellular and microbial biologists and to be a resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate instruction.
A comprehensive online resource for the visual study of human culture and behavior and the largest, most affordable streaming video collection of its kind, Ethnographic Video Online contains more than 500 hours of classic and contemporary documentaries produced by leading video producers in the discipline; previously unpublished footage from working anthropologists and ethnographers in the field; and select feature films. Wherever possible, videos include accompanying field notes, liner notes, filmmaker biographies, related articles, study guides, and other context-enhancing, full-text materials. Publishing partners include Documentary Educational Resources (DER) and other leading video content providers in the discipline. Global in scope, Ethnographic Video Online contains footage from every continent and hundreds of unique cultures, and is particularly rich in its coverage of the developing world.
Reference Database
This bibliographic database is the central access to the specialist information on education. In the center of the service are the specialist literature databases as well as comprehensive collections of information at the various aspects of educational science. -- Diese bibliografische Databank ist der zentrale Einstieg in die pädagogische Fachinformation. Im Mittelpunkt des Services stehen die fachlichen Literaturdatenbanken sowie umfassende Informationssammlungen zu den verschiedenen Aspekten der Erziehungswissenschaft.