Fulltext Database • Journal Collection • Book Collection
ingentaconnect hosts scholarly books and journals from a range of different publishers. Millions of articles, chapters and reports are available for you to search across, and access to full text is available by pay-per-view or by subscription to individual publications.
Fulltext Database
Integrum World Wide is the largest full text database of Russia and the CIS. Among other content, the database comprises hourly updated texts from the Russian and English press (regional and national newspapers and periodicals, monitoring services from TV and radio, press agencies), statistics (Goskomstat), legal texts, governmental publications, patents (Rospatent), belletristics, bibliographic databases of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION), internet sources, address and phone directories, Yellow Pages, etc.
Reference Database
This database of the European Union (EU) contains the complete EU related terminology in all 24 official languages of the EU. -- Diese Datenbank der Europäischen Union (EU) enthält die gesamte EU-bezogene Terminologie in allen 24 EU-Amtssprachen.
Reference Database
Book reviews are an important element in the academic discussions. They are a tool for quality measurement with respect to the amount of publications published annually and give an indication of the importance of a published work. IBR contains over 1,16 million entries on book reviews from the years 1985ff. The database is international and interdisciplinary, over 560.000 reviews have been published in approx. 6,723 academic journals mainly in the Humanities and Social Sciences. ---- Rezensionen sind ein wichtiges Element der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion. Sie sind ein Qualitätsfilter in der jährlichen Publikationsflut und sind mitbestimmend für den Stellenwert eines Werkes. Die IBR umfasst über 1,16 Mio. Nachweise von Rezensionen aus den Jahren 1985ff. Sie weist ca. 6.723 interdisziplinäre, internationale, vornehmlich die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften berücksichtigende Rezensionen in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften zu 560.000 rezensierten Werken nach.Verbindung zum Volltext der Rezension via SFX
Fulltext Database • Reference Database
International Commercial Arbitration (ICMA) provides access to some of the leading works relevant to international commercial arbitration.
Fulltext Database • Reference Database
International Commercial Law (ICML) provides access to leading works relevant to international business law. The module contains titles on the law of sale and includes related areas such as the laws of contract and agency, insurance, shipping, and the carriage of goods.
Reference Work
The International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law Online offers full-text searching across all archival content published in this renowned reference work over the last three decades. The Encyclopedia is the first broad, systematic and international compendium of comparative law.
Reference Work
The International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences offers a source of social and behavioral sciences reference material. It comprises over 3,900 articles, commissioned by 71 Section Editors, and includes 90,000 bibliographic references as well as comprehensive name and subject indexes.
Fulltext Database
Investment Claims provides access to a collection of materials and analysis on international investment law and arbitration, including hundreds of awards and decisions, BITs, monographs, and more.
The Journal Citation Reports is a source for journal evaluation, which includes journal data and unified rankings for 229 science and social science categories. It covers the Journal Impact Factor (JIF) and Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) for all journals in the Web of Science Core Collection. Each journal can be seen within the context of all journals in its category, providing a comprehensive, holistic view for the evaluation of a journal's performance.
Reference Database
JournalTOCS is the largest, free collection of scholary journal Tables of Contents (TOCs): 29,639 journals including 12,153 selected Open Access journals and 11,312 Hybrid journals from 2930 publishers.
Journal Collection • Book Collection
JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. Users from the Max Planck Society have access to selected archival collections of scholarly journals and more than 3,000 Open Access ebooks. The book selection is continuously extended by single e-book acquisitions by MPG libraries. Additionally, the license covers the basic tier usage of Constellate - a text and data analysis tool, which uses primary source content from JSTOR. For the archival collections, JSTOR's agreements with publishers include an updating provision referred to as a "moving wall". The moving wall is a fixed period of time ranging, in most cases, from two to five years, that defines the gap between the most recently published issue and the date of the most recent issues available in JSTOR.
Fulltext Database
juris Spectrum is a retrieval tool for the complete spectrum of legal information related to the Federal Republic of Germany. The resource covers German jurisprudence, federal and state laws, executive order laws, administrative instructions, labor agreements, literature/facts, selected journals in full text, and press releases. The MPG subscription also includes access to the juris Analytics module. This feature analyses millions of legal data from German jurisprudence offering statistical and data visualisation.
Fulltext Database
The content of Juris is available. In addition, OVS (LEGIOS) provides access to full texts of commentaries, handbooks and journals. The diversified database is made available as a cooperation between the publisher Dr. Otto Schmidt and juris GmbH. -- Die Inhalte von juris sind verfügbar. Zusätzlich bietet OVS (LEGIOS) Zugriff auf Kommentare, Handbücher und Fachzeitschriften im Volltext. Das Angebot wird in einer Kooperation vom Dr. Otto Schmidt Verlag und der juris GmbH bereitgestellt.
Fulltext Database
The complete spectrum of legal information (Federal Republic of Germany) is available by Juris: Jurisprudence, press releases, literature/facts, laws and executive order laws, the German Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger), and administrative instructions. In addition, the content of Staudinger Online is available. -- Mit Juris steht Ihnen das komplette Spektrum an rechtlichen Informationen (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) zur Verfügung: Rechtsprechung, Pressemitteilungen, Literatur/Fakten, Gesetze und Rechtsverordnungen, Bundesanzeiger und Verwaltungsvorschriften. Zusätzlich sind die Inhalte von Staudinger Online verfügbar.
External Library Catalog
The Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue (KVK) is a meta search engine which allows you to simultaneously access selected library and book trade catalogs worldwide. Altogether, these resources contain hundreds of millions of books, magazines and other media.
Fulltext Database
Online resource for international arbitration research. Coverage: legislation, case law, bilateral investment treaties, commentary, conventions, rules. Access to books, journals and loose-leafs from the Kluwer Law International arbitration catalogue.
Fulltext Database
Kluwer International Tax Law, is a state of the art, intuitive research platform for Tax Professionals leveraging Wolters Kluwer’s top international content and practical tools providing answers Kluwer International Tax Law ist eine hochmoderne, intuitive Forschungsplattform für Steuerfachleute, die internationale Top-Inhalte und praktische Tools von Wolters Kluwer nutzt.
Journal Collection
Kluwer Law International (which is now Wolters Kluwer Law & Business) provides the global business community with reliable international legal information. Though access to current volumes is no longer licensed, access to the archive - 2010 is still possible.
Fulltext Database
Electronic editions of selected titles of the series International encyclopaedia of laws (and other loose-leaf publications). Elektronische Ausgaben ausgewählter Titel der Reihe International encyclopaedia of laws (sowie weiterer Loseblattausgaben).