Journal Collection
Cairn offers the most comprehensive collection of French and Belgian journals in social sciences available online. Note that access to newer content is generally not free of charge (moving wall 2 to 5 years).
Journal Collection
Cogitatio is an academic and community-oriented publisher based in Lisbon, which was founded in 2014 with the aim of promoting the open access dissemination of scientific knowledge. Cogitatio currently publishes 4 peer-reviewed Open Access journals focusing on research in the social sciences and humanities. From January 1, 2023, the Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges for Max Planck authors centrally. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Journal Collection
Copernicus Publications has been publishing highly reputable peer-reviewed open access journals since 2001. Through interactive, multi-stage open access publishing, Copernicus aims to bring real transparency into scientific quality assurance. The Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges for Max Planck authors centrally. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Fulltext Database
Data Europa EU is a central point of access to European open data from international, European Union, national, regional, local and geodata portals. The official portal for Euopean data consolidates the former EU Open Data Portal and the European Data Portal. Data Europa EU gives access and fosters the reuse of European open data among citizens, business and organisations. The portal promotes and supports the release of more and better-quality metadata and data by the EU’s institutions, agencies and other bodies, and European countries, enhancing the transparency of European administrations. Furthermore, it is intended to educate citizens and organisations about the opportunities that arise from the availability of open data. Currently, Data Europa EU contains more than 1.5 million European public sector datasets grouped by over 180 catalogues and pertaining to different topical categories.
Fulltext Database
The Library of Economics and Liberty is dedicated to advancing the study of economics, markets, and liberty. The books and essays on this website represent classics of economic thought, both historical and modern.•Authoritative editions of classics in economics, and related works in history, political theory and philosophy. Contains also blogs, talks and essays.The Library of Economics and Liberty carries the popular Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, edited by David R. Henderson.
Fulltext Database
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union and its homepage offers a whole range of data that governments, businesses, the education sector, journalists and the public can use for their work and daily life. The data covers following themes: - General and regional statistics - Economy and finance: National accounts (including GDP), ESA Input-Output tables, European sector accounts, Pensions in National Accounts, Government finance and EDP, Exchange rates, Interest rates, Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP), Housing price statistics, Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs), Balance of payments - Population and social conditions - Industry, trade and service: Manufactured goods (Prodcom), Postal services, Structural business statistics, Short-term business statistics, Tourism - Agriculture and fisheries - International trade - Transport - Environment and energy - Science and technology
Journal Collection
Frontiers is a community-oriented open-access academic publisher and research network. It was launched in 2007 by scientists from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and aims to provide better tools and services to researchers in the Internet age. Since then, Frontiers has become one of the fastest-growing open-access scholarly publishers: over 400,000 high-quality, peer-reviewed articles have been published in about 200 community-driven journals across more than 300 specialty niches in science, medicine and technology. The Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges for Max Planck authors centrally. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Factual Database • Reference Database
GeoReM is a Max Planck Institute database for reference materials of geological and environmental interest, such as rock powders, synthetic and natural glasses as well as mineral, isotopic, biological, river water and seawater reference materials. It contains published analytical data and compilation values (major and trace element concentrations and mass fractions, radiogenic and stable isotope ratios). GeoReM covers all important metadata about the analytical values such as uncertainty, analytical method and laboratory. Sample information and references are also included. GeoReM contains almost 3,400 reference materials, about 46,200 analyses from almost 10,000 papers, and preferred analytical values (State: November 2017).
Factual Database • Reference Database
The database GEOROC is maintained by the Geoscience Centre at Göttingen University. The database is a comprehensive collection of published analyses of volcanic rocks and mantle xenoliths. It contains major and trace element concentrations, radiogenic and nonradiogenic isotope ratios as well as analytical ages for whole rocks, glasses, minerals and inclusions. Samples come from 11 different geological settings. Metadata include, among others, geographic location with latitude and longitude, rock class and rock type, alteration grade, analytical method, laboratory, reference materials and references.
Reference Database
Bei GovData handelt es sich um ein Metadatenportal, über das Bund, Länder und Kommunen ihre Daten zugänglich machen. Zentraler Bestandteil von GovData ist ein Metadatenkatalog. Über die darin enthaltenen standardisierten Metadaten (einheitliche strukturierte Beschreibungen) sind die Daten einfach auffindbar und zugänglich. Die Daten selbst werden weiterhin von den Datenbereitstellern dezentral vorgehalten und gepflegt.
Fulltext Database
MIA contains the writings of 592 authors representing a complete spectrum of political, philosophical, and scientific thought, generally spanning the past 200 years. Being a communist means working for the self-emancipation of the working class; it means striving to unite the working class, in all its diversity, in the struggle to overthrow capitalism. In the 1840s, Marx and Engels placed communism on a scientific footing through the theory of dialectical materialism. Marxists are those who have continued this ever since. If any one of the following criteria apply, the MIA Collective may decide to place the writer into the Reference Archive: (i) they pre-date Marx and Engels, (ii) they specifically reject Marxism, (iii) their work is practically and theoretically unconnected or hostile toward the workers movement, (iv) their work is idealistic or lacking in dialectic. Where a writer contributes to Marxist theory and practice for a part of their life, while other works lie outside of Marxism, then the whole of their writing will be placed in the Marxist Writers' Archive.Contains: Karl Marx/ Friedrich Engels - Werke ; Rosa Luxenburg; August Bebel; Antonio Gramsci ...
Journal Collection
PLOS (Public Library of Science) is a nonprofit publisher and advocacy organization founded to accelerate progress in science and medicine by leading a transformation in research communication. PLOS entered the publishing arena in October 2003 with the launch of PLOS Biology, followed in October 2004 by PLOS Medicine. Today, it publishes a suite of influential Open Access journals across all areas of science and medicine. The Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges for Max Planck authors centrally. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Reference Database
The database POLDOK, in its current version, contains up to 40,000 documents including bibliographical metadata, subject headings and summaries about the topic "Politics of the 80ies". The retrieval system "Freitext" enables fast and convenient access to the database. Freitext was developed in the course of the BMFT project "FiSch - Fachinformation in Schulen" under the management of Prof. Dr. Robert Funk. -- Die Datenbank POLDOK enthält in der vorliegenden Fassung knapp 40.000 Dokumente mit bibliographischen Angaben, Schlagwörtern und Kurzreferaten zum Themenbereich "Politik der 80er Jahre". Das Retrievalsystem Freitext ermöglicht einen schnellen und komfortablen Suchzugriff auf die Datenbank. Freitext wurde im BMFT-Projekt "FiSch - Fachinformation in Schulen" unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Robert Funk entwickelt.
Reference Database
SocioHub – ist das Portal des Fachinformationsdienstes Soziologie – es dient als zentrale Anlaufstelle für Ihre Literatursuche, Kommunikation und Information. Anstatt mehrere Webseiten besuchen zu müssen befinden sich hier alle Bereiche auf einer Plattform – direkt auf die Bedürfnisse der Soziologie zugeschnitten.
Reference Database
SSOAR collects electronic full texts from the domain of the Social Sciences and makes these texts available according to the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Scientific Knowledge.
Fulltext Database
Mit etwa 2000 Beiträgen bietet die 8. Auflage des Staatslexikons tiefgehende Information und Orientierung zu den zentralen Aspekten gesellschaftlichen Zusammenlebens, wirtschaftlichen Wirkens, politischen Entscheidens und staatlichen Handelns.
Fulltext Database
Contains, inter alia, the United Nations Treaty Series with the full texts of all treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded by the Secretariat since 1945, pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter.
Fulltext Database
Die Stenografischen Berichte über die Verhandlungen des Norddeutschen Bundes, des Zollparlaments und des Reichstags liegen in gedruckter Form kontinuierlich von 1867 bis 1942 in 527 Bänden vor. Sie stellen eine der wichtigsten Quellen zur neueren deutschen Geschichte dar, die allerdings aufgrund unregelmäßiger und verstreuter Register nur schwer zugänglich und darüber hinaus in kaum einer Bibliothek vollständig vorhanden war. Seit 1997 hat die DFG im Rahmen des Programms "Retrospektive Digitalisierung von Bibliotheksbeständen" die Digitalisierung der Stenografischen Berichte gefördert. Im zweiten Bewilligungszeitraum konnten für den Zeitraum von 1918 - 1942 148 Bände (122.580 Seiten) digitalisiert und im Internet bereitgestellt werden. Die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek bietet erstmals eine vollständige Ausgabe der Reichstagsberichte (inklusive aller Anlagen) an.
Fulltext Database
The World Bank Group is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries. Its data, knowledge, and research are open to foster innovation and increase transparency in development, aid flows, and finances. A variety of tools, programs, and policies facilitates these goals. The Data Catalog includes data from the World Bank's microdata, finances and energy data platforms, as well as datasets from the open data catalog. The repository contains official documents and reports from 1946 through the present which are made available to the public in accordance with the Bank’s Access to Information Policy.
Fulltext Database
The World Bank is the largest single source of development knowledge. The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) is The World Bank’s official open access repository for its research outputs and knowledge products. The OKR is constantly updated with new content, as well as legacy reports and research across a wide range of topics and from all regions of the world.