Journal Collection
The ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing the fulltext collection of all ACM publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books. The MPG subscription provides access to nearly the entire ACM Digital Library, excluding the ACM Books series content. In addition, the Max Planck Society covers open access publication charges for Max Planck affiliated corresponding authors. Further details are available on the MPDL website.
Journal Collection
The "Eurographics Digital Library Archive" is freely accessible regarding the bibiographic and the metadata content. Only the access to most of the full-text documents is restricted to a subscription. - Content: Among other things tutorials, database files, dissertations, papers of a journal, as well as proceedings of conferences, workshops, and symposia.
Journal Collection
The service "SIAM Journals Online" (SJO) provides access to the full texts of the 14 SIAM journals and to a database covering these journals.
Journal Collection
Archive of "SIAM Journals Online" covering 17 journals.
Book Collection • Journal Collection
Casalini libri's full text platform offers access to over 29,000 ebooks and 840 ejournals from more than 200 Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese publishers. Max Planck users have access to: * EIO Monographs - a collection of 1,500 monographs and proceedings in humanities and social sciences from academic publishers in Italy. * EIO Periodicals Archive - pre-2011 content of 221 academic journals published by various Italian publishers.