MPG Library Catalog
Kubikat is the collective catalog of four of the leading German scholarly research institutes in the field of art history * Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence (Max-Planck-Institut) * Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich - funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts * Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte (Centre allemand d'histoire de l'art) in Paris - funded by the Foundation of German Humanities Institutes Abroad (DGIA) * Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte) in Rome The catalog project began in 1993 as a joint initiative of the institutes in Munich, Rome and Florence, supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Reference Work
The database is a contemporary, reliable and extensive reference work on artists. It contains authoritative, up-to-date biographical information on more than 1 million artists. The database offers biographies in full text from A to Z. The extended scope is due to the incorporation of the renowned Thieme-Becker/Vollmer1 encyclopedia, the Nürnberger Künstlerlexikon and the Lexikon der Künstlerinnen into the database.
Book Collection
The database contains 18th and 19th century primary literature in German, English, and French from the Corvey library, and thus presents the holdings of a library of the nobility preserved as a whole. Nearly all textual genres are represented, whereas the contentual focus lies on the Romantic period between 1790 and 1840 (1870, respectively). The collection is structured in a modular way with regard to languages and textual genres, and comprises 5,952 works which are provided in digital form for the first time. It does not overlap but supplements the content of the (also DFG-licensed) databases: * German Language Women's Literature * English Language Women's Literature * Wales related Fiction of the Romantic Period
Journal Collection
DigiZeitschriften is a digital library containing digitized back issues of core German research journals. At the moment the platform provides full-text access to more than 600 journals dating back to 1850. The archive content is edited on an ongoing basis. Any existing gaps will be filled and missing data steadily added. Users from the MPG have access to the complete journal collection, older public domain content is available free of charge to anyone.
Book Collection
Duncker & Humblot is a German producer of high-quality academic research and scholarly publications, especially in the fields of law and social science. The Duncker & Humblot eLibrary provides users from the Max Planck Society with access to following products: * e-book collections 2007-2010, containing about 900 e-books in the fields of law, economics, social sciences, history, politics, philosophy and literary studies. * e-book collection Economics 1996–2005, containing about 360 e-books * e-book collection 'Best of reprints' Economics and Finance 1875–1941, containing about 100 e-books The collection is continuously extended by single e-book acquisitions by MPG libraries.
Reference Database
FRANCIS indexes multilingual information and provides in-depth coverage of humanities and social sciences.
Book Collection
This collection altogether (in two parts) contains more than 220,000 pages from 848 ebooks by authoresses of the 18th and 19th centuries; first and foremost covering short stories, but also plays, travel literature, children's books, biographies and memoirs. The ebooks were created from books which were originally published during the classical and romantic periods, the pre-March era (Vormärz), the period of Young Germany (Junges Deutschland) and afterwards, and which stem from holdings of the Fürstliche Bibliothek Corvey. The collection contains digitally enhanced facsimile pages of the historic book pages, with links pointing to relevant sections of the works.
Fulltext Database
The research database "German Literary Expressionism Online", published in 2009, compiles 151 journals, yearbooks, collections and anthologies from the early 20th century, containing 40,000 articles and 79,000 full text pages in total.
Journal Collection • Miscellaneous
Heise online is a leading German news platform focusing on information technology, telecommunications technology and their impact on society. The MPG subscription includes access to 6 well-known magazines from the Heise journal portfolio (available content from 2016 - present): c't, iX, MIT Technology Review, Mac & i, Make, c't Fotografie. The product heise+ extends the freely available platform content and provides access to special content for MPG users, such as exclusive tests, buying and consumer advice, analyses, podcasts, practitioners' reports and background articles.
MPG Library Catalog
Traditionell liegt der Schwerpunkt der Sammlung auf Künstlermonographien (auch Ausstellungskatalogen), kunsttopographischer Literatur zu den Regionen und Orten Italiens sowie auf Quellenschriften
MPG Library Catalog
Die Campus-Bibliothek für Informatik und Mathematik ist die gemeinsame Bibliothek des Max-Planck-Instituts für Informatik Saarbrücken (MPI-INF), des Max-Planck-Instituts für Softwaresysteme Saarbrücken (MPI-SWS), des Deutschen Forschungszentrums für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI) und der Fachrichtungen Informatik und Mathematik der Universität des Saarlandes.
MPG Library Catalog
Die Campus-Bibliothek für Informatik und Mathematik ist die gemeinsame Bibliothek des Max-Planck-Instituts für Informatik Saarbrücken (MPI-INF), des Max-Planck-Instituts für Softwaresysteme Saarbrücken (MPI-SWS), des Deutschen Forschungszentrums für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI) und der Fachrichtungen Informatik und Mathematik der Universität des Saarlandes.
MPG Library Catalog
Die Campus-Bibliothek für Informatik und Mathematik ist die gemeinsame Bibliothek des Max-Planck-Instituts für Informatik Saarbrücken (MPI-INF), des Max-Planck-Instituts für Softwaresysteme Saarbrücken (MPI-SWS), des Deutschen Forschungszentrums für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI) und der Fachrichtungen Informatik und Mathematik der Universität des Saarlandes.
Reference Database
Online Contents Anglistics is a subject oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Online Contents database. Currently 424 journals are being indexed back to the year of publication in 1993. -- Die Datenbank OLC Anglistik ist ein fachbezogener Auszug aus der Datenbank Online Contents. Zurzeit werden 424 Zeitschriftentitel retrospektiv bis zum Erscheinungsjahr 1993 ausgewertet. Damit enthält die Datenbank derzeit ca. 323.000 Aufsätze und Rezensionen aus dem Fachgebiet Anglistik und Amerikanistik.
Reference Database
Online Contents Arts and Art Sciences offers access to tables of contents of art and art related journals. It is a subject oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Online Contents database. It is regularly enhanced by table of contents data from additional periodicals out of the special collections of the State and University Library (SLUB) Dresden and the University Library Heidelberg.
Reference Database
OLC German language and literature studies is a subject oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Online Contents database and provides access to the tables of contents of journals in the field of German Studies. Currently 139 journals are being indexed, normally back to the publication year 1993. -- Die Datenbank OLC Germanistik ist ein fachbezogener Auszug aus der Datenbank Online Contents und erschließt Inhaltsverzeichnisse von Zeitschriften aus dem Bereich "Deutsche Sprache und Literatur". Zurzeit werden 139 Zeitschriften ausgewertet, in der Regel ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 1993. Damit enthält die täglich aktualisierte Datenbank gegenwärtig über 197.000 Aufsätze und Rezensionen (Stand: September 2019).