Book Collection
Language Description Heritage (LDH) provides open access to descriptive material about the world's languages with a focus on traditionally difficult to obtain works. This collection is being compiled at first by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and now by the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. -- Language Description Heritage (LDH) ist eine Datenbank, die freien Zugriff auf deskriptive Materialien zu den Sprachen der Welt gewährt. Dabei legt den Schwerpunkt auf überlicherweise schwer erhältlich Arbeiten. Die Sammlung wurde zuerst am Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionäre Anthropology angelegt und wird nun am Max-Planck-Institut für Menschheitsgeschichte fortgeführt.
Journal Collection
The goal of this database is to provide researchers with an opportunity to cross-search the contents of major Russian periodicals on social sciences and humanities. It is comprised of journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences ranging from archeology to linguistics, as well as popular literary editions, and independent scholarly publications. New titles are added on a regular basis. This Universal Database grows retroactively. Full-text and full-image content of print editions is reproduced with original pagination.