The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive (Gale)

DFG Nationallizenz

The database comprises (in full text) the editions of the Times Literary Supplement between 1902 and 2005. The Times Literary Supplement reviews titles from all academic disciplines as well as literature, current theater and cinema productions, and exhibitions.

The database offers insight into literary life and opinion making by critics in the 20th century. TLS does not only offer access to a facsimile page of the article desired, but also identifies authors, whose names were not disclosed in the printed editions of the TLS before 1974. Altogether, more than 540,000 reviews, letters, poems and articles about more than 5,000 topics of the TLS are available in their original context.

The DFG subscription covers the years 1902 - 2005 only, but currently full text access has been granted to the complete historical archive.

The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive (Gale)

The database comprises (in full text) the editions of the Times Literary Supplement between 1902 and 2005. The Times Literary Supplement reviews titles from all academic disciplines as well as literature, current theater and cinema productions, and exhibitions.

The database offers insight into literary life and opinion making by critics in the 20th century. TLS does not only offer access to a facsimile page of the article desired, but also identifies authors, whose names were not disclosed in the printed editions of the TLS before 1974. Altogether, more than 540,000 reviews, letters, poems and articles about more than 5,000 topics of the TLS are available in their original context.

The DFG subscription covers the years 1902 - 2005 only, but currently full text access has been granted to the complete historical archive.

Title (Alternative):The Times Literary Supplement Centenary Archive (Gale)
Content Included:
Provider:Gale Cengage Learning
Provider (Alternative):Thomson Gale
The Times (creator)
Language: English
Time Span:1902 - 2011
Subject Category:Social Sci. + Humanities
Keyword:Sociology, Journalism, Media and communication science, American studies, English studies, General and comparative linguistics and literary criticism
Resource Type:Fulltext Database
Scope:Max Planck Society
Reference Management:
Usage Conditions:
Funding:Advanced by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG): Germany-wide access

The Germany-wide access to this database is enabled by the advancement of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and organized by the Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen
Related Records:Also available via: Gale NewsVault