The Digital Karl Barth Library (Alexander Street Press)

DFG Nationallizenz

The current release features the English translation of Barth's magnum opus, The Church Dogmatics, in its entirety. The original German version, Die kirchliche Dogmatik, is also included as are the first 36 volumes of Barth's Gesamtausgabe, which includes hundreds of letters, sermons, lectures, conversations, and academic writings. These volumes are supplemented by seven additional German works that have not yet been published as part of the Gesamtausgabe and English translations of of thirteen important texts by Barth.

The Digital Karl Barth Library (Alexander Street Press)

The current release features the English translation of Barth's magnum opus, The Church Dogmatics, in its entirety. The original German version, Die kirchliche Dogmatik, is also included as are the first 36 volumes of Barth's Gesamtausgabe, which includes hundreds of letters, sermons, lectures, conversations, and academic writings. These volumes are supplemented by seven additional German works that have not yet been published as part of the Gesamtausgabe and English translations of of thirteen important texts by Barth.

Content Included:
Provider:Alexander Street Press, ASP
Provider (Alternative):AlexanderStreetPress (Alternative)
Theologischer Verlag Zürich (TVZ), Princeton Theological Seminary (creator)
Language: English, German
Time Span:updated quarterly
Subject Category:Social Sci. + Humanities
Keyword:Religious studies, Theology
Resource Type:Fulltext Database
Scope:Max Planck Society
Usage Conditions:
Funding:Advanced by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG): Germany-wide access

The Germany-wide access to this database is enabled by the advancement of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and organized by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München
Related Records:Content searchable via: MPG e-Book Index