SPIE Digital Library

The SPIE Digital Library is an extensive resource available on optics and photonics, providing access to technical papers from SPIE Journals and Conference Proceedings from 1962 to the present. More than 18,000 new technical papers are added annually.

The current subscription provides Max Planck researchers with full text access to all SPIE journals and proceedings. In addition, the Max Planck Society covers article-processing charges for the SPIE journals. Further details are available on the MPDL website.

Max Planck Society

Product SPIE Digital Library
Contract End 2026-12-31
Contract Status active
Remote Access yes
Perpetual Access Rights yes
Usage conditions https://mpdl.mpg.de/images/documents/lib_res_center/terms_of_use/Nutzungsbedingu...
Text & Data Mining yes, see clause 4.c.
Open Access Terms Eligible Articles: submitting date between 01/2021-12/2023, only journal articles (excl. proceedings)
Eligible Authors/Institutions: corresponding and primary authors
Central Payment by MPDL: yes
Type: publishing