Handbook of Pragmatics Online

The Handbook of Pragmatics provides up-to-date information on research in the field of linguistic pragmatics, conceived as the interdisciplinary (cognitive, social, and cultural) science of natural language use. This electronic encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updatable source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use.

Handbook of Pragmatics Online

The Handbook of Pragmatics provides up-to-date information on research in the field of linguistic pragmatics, conceived as the interdisciplinary (cognitive, social, and cultural) science of natural language use. This electronic encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updatable source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use.

Provider:John Benjamins Publishing Company
Provider (Alternative):IPrA Research Center, International Pragmatics Association (creator)
Language: English
Subject Category:Social Sci. + Humanities
Keyword:Transcription systems for spoken discourse, Formal semantics, Taxonomy, Statistics, Logical analysis, Experimentation, Ethnography, Corpus analysis, Contrastive analysis, Universal and transcendental pragmatics, Speech act theory, Sociolinguistics, Relevance theory, Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics, Literary pragmatics, Discourse analysis, Conversation analysis, Construction grammar, Cognitive linguistics, Anthropological linguistics, Analytical philosophy, Accommodation theory, Linguistic pragmatics
Resource Type:Reference Work
Scope:MPI Psycholinguistics